Campus Conversation: O'Dhori Prioleau

"A lot of people say that they joined American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) because of their interest in Tiger Burn, but I didn't know about the actual Tiger Burn event until maybe the second meeting that I attended. I joined because I didn't know many mechanical engineering students, so I figured it would give me another way to communicate with students that were in the same position as me who potentially had advice to give me. I like the sense of community.

There are three main parts to the Tiger Burn building process: the design phase, the construction phase and the assembly phase. The design lasted for about two weeks. We initially broke into teams, brainstormed and designed it in Creo PTC [design software]. We are currently in the construction phase. This will last about a month, two days a week, consisting of about 40 hours overall. We do all the construction in a warehouse on campus. Finally, we have the assembly phase. This is the most important of the three phases because we must make sure we take our time and assemble it securely, so that it does not fall during the opening acts of the event. I hope that students are excited about the look of the tiger this year. We are aiming for a tiger with a bobble head look. We are also aiming for a longer lasting burn, so that the event is more exciting and entertaining. ASME is just overall excited about our role in this event and hope for students to get excited when the day arrives."

—  O'Dhori Prioleau, junior mechanical engineering major