UofSC symposium to focus on policing and community relations April 7

The University of South Carolina will host a daylong symposium on policing and community relations April 7.

The symposium, “Bridging the Divide: African-American Communities and Law Enforcement,” will take place from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. in the School of Law auditorium. Free and open to the public, the symposium is sponsored by the university’s Rule of Law Collaborative.
The daylong event will feature four panel discussions with law enforcement officials, legal and political scholars and national experts who represent an array of organizations that engage in social justice and reconciliation work.

The symposium aims to foster a better public understanding of the tensions between African-American communities and law enforcement and to explore the solution of wide-scale restorative justice to repair harm done.

The panels will address root causes for the divide, compare international and domestic initiatives, make the case for restorative justice and explore how communities can go from rhetoric to action with restorative justice efforts.

Speakers will include Fania Davis, Restorative Justice for Oakland Youth; David Ragland, Truth-Telling Project in Ferguson, Missouri; and Yasmin Sooka, Foundation for Human Rights in South Africa.

For more information about the symposium, visit the Rule of Law Collaborative website.