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Theatre Education (PK-12 Certification), M.A.T.

College of Arts and Sciences
College of Education

Pursue your passion for theatre in our award-winning program and get certified to teach theatre in public schools with in-the-classroom experiences teaching K-12 students in area schools and at USC.

Enhance your theatre talents in a degree program that provides professional instruction on teaching theatre to young students in K-12. In collaboration with the USC College of Education, our program qualifies for initial South Carolina teacher certification and prepares students for a fulfilling career in theatre education in public schools.

Program Highlights

  • Stage light icon.

    Career-Ready Degree

    Meet the teacher demand. The program boasts 100% employment after graduation with 95% in the profession after 5 years.

  • School building icon.

    Valuable Experiences

    Complete two valuable internships working in local schools and enjoy many classes with in-school components.

  • Comedy tradegy mask icon.

    In-Depth Study

    Learn about and practice contemporary theatre-making and teaching methods in small classes with expert faculty.

  • Airplane icon.

    Work Abroad

    Take advantage of faculty connections to the industry and consider opportunities to work internationally.

What You’ll Study

Develop your distinctive voice as an artist and educator while sharing the benefits of theatre with future generations. Courses include teaching acting and directing, set/costume/lighting design, applied theatre, methods in teaching theatre, and much more. You'll shadow teachers, conduct research, develop lesson plans and teach students directly.

Building Skills

Gain the professional and personal intelligence it takes to have a successful career.

  • Performance

    Presenting oneself creatively through a specific medium to an audience


    Thinking imaginatively, generating original ideas and expressing unique perspectives through art and innovation

    Multicultural Awareness

    Understanding cultural variation and adapting behaviors and communication styles accordingly

  • Research

    Gathering and analyzing information to increase knowledge or solve problems


    Foster learning by conveying knowledge, skills and concepts to students

    Critical Thinking

    Analyzing and evaluating information to make informed decisions or judgments

Using your degree

Make your college experience the foundation for a successful future.

Potential Careers

  • Public School Drama Teacher
  • Teaching Artist
  • Education Director
  • College Professor

Workplace Settings

  • Education
  • Arts
  • Entertainment
  • School Districts

I travelled with a group of actors to Title One schools around the state. This allowed me to perform and stage manage in a public school setting. Being active in student-led theatre group allowed me to take leadership roles in acting, directing, writing, stage managing and more.

Stephanie Walker