Fall 2024 Honor's List
Each semester, the university publishes the President’s Honor List and the Dean’s Honor List to recognize undergraduate students who, at the end of the previous semester, had achieved outstanding academic success.
Last Name |
First Name |
Honor |
Abascal | Bradley | President's List |
Ackermann | Logan | President's List |
Adams | Mary | President's List |
Adkins | Emmerson | President's List |
Adkins | Kaitlyn | President's List |
Alcantara | Alexis | President's List |
Alisesky | Annabel | President's List |
Allen | Amelia | President's List |
Angeles | Roxanna | President's List |
Apple | Avery | President's List |
Ascher | Benjamin | President's List |
Atkinson | Allison | President's List |
Autry | Adeline | President's List |
Balakier | Delia | President's List |
Banks | Brennen | President's List |
Barongi | Sofia | President's List |
Barry | Norah | President's List |
Bartlett | Lindsey | President's List |
Beck | Madison | President's List |
Bello | Marissa | President's List |
Bencivengo | Marisa | President's List |
Bendavid | Lily | President's List |
Benik | Brooke | President's List |
Benjamin | Anna | President's List |
Benner | Elizabeth | President's List |
Bergman | Kenna | President's List |
Bernstein | Carly | President's List |
Berry | Emma | President's List |
Bianchi | Mia | President's List |
Bireley | Ella | President's List |
Bittel | Emma | President's List |
Blanton | Amanda | President's List |
Blanton | Meghan | President's List |
Bogtong | Alyssa | President's List |
Bohrer | Anna | President's List |
Bolt | Jessica | President's List |
Bongette | Audrey | President's List |
Borman | Brooke | President's List |
Bouwhuis | Eryn | President's List |
Bowers | Caroline | President's List |
Bowers | Julie | President's List |
Boysa | Audrey | President's List |
Bragg | Sarah | President's List |
Braun | Abigail | President's List |
Brazzell | Mallory | President's List |
Brock | Kristina | President's List |
Brogdon | Storie | President's List |
Brown | Elizabeth | President's List |
Brown | Leanna | President's List |
Brunner | Ava | President's List |
Bruno | Siena | President's List |
Bulmer | Annemarie | President's List |
Burckley | Amanda | President's List |
Burts | Charlotte | President's List |
Byrne | Bridget | President's List |
Calhoun | Chelsea | President's List |
Cannon | Kelly | President's List |
Capers | Indya | President's List |
Carr | Hannah | President's List |
Casella | Abigail | President's List |
Casella | Lauren | President's List |
Casey | Emma | President's List |
Cassano | Ashley | President's List |
Cervantes | Elizabeth | President's List |
Champaigne | Paris | President's List |
Chellew | Reese | President's List |
Chinn | Peyton | President's List |
Chittum | Ashley | President's List |
Chole | Macy | President's List |
Clark | Harper | President's List |
Coan | Ryann | President's List |
Colfer | Kaitlyn | President's List |
Collins | Ella | President's List |
Congdon | Molly | President's List |
Connelly | Riley | President's List |
Connolly | Anna | President's List |
Cook | Jonathon | President's List |
Cooper | Marley | President's List |
Copeman | Juliana | President's List |
Costa | Anna | President's List |
Cota | Riley | President's List |
Coury | Ryan | President's List |
Cox | Bethany | President's List |
Crocker | Meredith | President's List |
Crossin | Rachel | President's List |
Crovo | Isabella | President's List |
Crowe | Kayleigh | President's List |
Cruz Lopez | Marisol | President's List |
Cullop | Madeleine | President's List |
Cuminotto-Reis | Payton | President's List |
Cuoco | Madison | President's List |
Daigle | Cecilia | President's List |
Daino | Madelyn | President's List |
Davidson | Kaitlyn | President's List |
Davis | Elizabeth | President's List |
Dawidczyk | Gabriella | President's List |
Deese | Kayleigh | President's List |
Derr | Abigail | President's List |
Derrick | Isabelle | President's List |
DeStefano | Erin | President's List |
Devlin | Sydney | President's List |
Ditchfield | Jennifer | President's List |
Doby | Destany | President's List |
D'Onofrio | Mia | President's List |
Doyle | Athena | President's List |
Doyle | Sidney | President's List |
Dsouza | Sherina | President's List |
Duch | Julia | President's List |
Duci | Jillian | President's List |
Duerden | Madison | President's List |
Duffy | Lacey | President's List |
Dutton | Ethan | President's List |
Ebert | Kristin | President's List |
Edwards | Niamh | President's List |
Edwards | Taylor | President's List |
Egolf | Catherine | President's List |
Eisenacher | Grace | President's List |
Ellis | Somaria | President's List |
Elmore | Erin | President's List |
Enter | Lillian | President's List |
Esler | Hannah | President's List |
Espinoza | Luis | President's List |
Etnoyer | Clara | President's List |
Evans | Katelyn | President's List |
Facchini | Adriana | President's List |
Fahrner | Hope | President's List |
Fallon | Cassandra | President's List |
Fent | Josie | President's List |
Ficik | Jennifer | President's List |
Field | Jonathan | President's List |
Filaseta | Margaret | President's List |
Fishburne | Madison | President's List |
FitzGerald | Molly | President's List |
Fitzpatrick | Grace | President's List |
Flowers | Jewelia | President's List |
Fogle | Breann | President's List |
Ford | Ava | President's List |
Ford | Mallory | President's List |
Ford | Victoria | President's List |
Fosdick | Jayme | President's List |
Fox | Bridget | President's List |
Franco | Gabrielle | President's List |
Franklin | Chloe | President's List |
Franklin | Tinsley | President's List |
French | Corinne | President's List |
Frick | Emily | President's List |
Fumo | Alexandra | President's List |
Funston | Hannah | President's List |
Furr | Avery | President's List |
Gaines | Hailey | President's List |
Garcia | Bianca | President's List |
Garomo | Sophia | President's List |
Gearty | Ella | President's List |
Gieg | Katherine | President's List |
Gilbert | Bryson | President's List |
Gilder | Carly | President's List |
Gill | Myla | President's List |
Gillespie | Rachel | President's List |
Godwin | Greysen | President's List |
Goforth | Samantha | President's List |
Gogola | Brianna | President's List |
Goldman | Madison | President's List |
Graham | Deidre | President's List |
Graham | Megan | President's List |
Granville | Alex | President's List |
Gray | Maggie | President's List |
Green | Caroline | President's List |
Green | Hadley | President's List |
Greer | Landon | President's List |
Gresham | Brianna | President's List |
Gresham | Dakota | President's List |
Griffin | Heather | President's List |
Griffith | Ashlyn | President's List |
Grigg | Hannah | President's List |
Gross | Shayna | President's List |
Grubbs | Rose | President's List |
Guillie | Sarah May | President's List |
Gurley | Jalaysia | President's List |
Guyer | Mary | President's List |
Haarstick | Ava | President's List |
Hack | Corinne | President's List |
Hall | Nathan | President's List |
Handley | Brynn | President's List |
Hapeshis | Lauren | President's List |
Harrelson | Karis | President's List |
Hart | Matthew | President's List |
Hauptman | Anna | President's List |
Haydt | Chloe | President's List |
Haynes | Christina | President's List |
Hazzard | Tessa | President's List |
Healey | Caroline | President's List |
Heinrich | Ashley | President's List |
Hennessey | Jessica | President's List |
Herr | Levi | President's List |
Higgins | Grace | President's List |
Hill | Elise | President's List |
Hodges | Thomas | President's List |
Holaday | Nicole | President's List |
Holden | Emily | President's List |
Hollen | Keone | President's List |
Hornig | Elizabeth | President's List |
Horton | Caysen | President's List |
House | Audrey | President's List |
Howle | Ellie | President's List |
Hugel | Alexandra | President's List |
Jacobs | Emma | President's List |
Jankowski | Maiya | President's List |
Jeffcoat | Haley | President's List |
Johnson | Caroline | President's List |
Johnson | Katie | President's List |
Johnson | Lily | President's List |
Jolley | Sophi | President's List |
Jones | Hannah | President's List |
Jones | Ian | President's List |
Jones | Kate | President's List |
Jones | Maggie | President's List |
Jones | Sadie | President's List |
Judy | Krystal | President's List |
Kanir | Bradley | President's List |
Kaplan | Ava | President's List |
Keefauver | Jordyn | President's List |
Keitt-Butler | Aja | President's List |
Ketterer | Brooke | President's List |
Kiefer | Madeline | President's List |
King | Alyssa | President's List |
Kislowski | Eva | President's List |
Klauser | Allison | President's List |
Knight | Ellison | President's List |
Knightner | Olivia | President's List |
Knueppel | Emma | President's List |
Kozey | Kayla | President's List |
Kramer | Hope | President's List |
Kristle | Kathryn | President's List |
Kuebler | Abigail | President's List |
Kumari | Alka | President's List |
Lacroix | Campbell | President's List |
Lagnado | Alexa | President's List |
Lance | Marion | President's List |
Larice | Vanessa | President's List |
Laub | Marlana | President's List |
Lawrence | Paige | President's List |
Leccese | Gianna | President's List |
Lee | Lindsey | President's List |
LeFevers | Brandon | President's List |
Leon | Jolette | President's List |
Leonard | Jada | President's List |
Leonard | Taylor | President's List |
Lewis | Iliyah | President's List |
Li | Jingyi | President's List |
Like | Lauren | President's List |
Little | Makayla | President's List |
Locascio | Grace | President's List |
Logan | Cameryn | President's List |
Long | Peyton | President's List |
Loskill | Ava | President's List |
Lowe | Bryson | President's List |
Lozano | Liliana | President's List |
Lyon | Samantha | President's List |
Mackay | Avery | President's List |
Madden | Mackenzie | President's List |
Madore | Sarah | President's List |
Magrisi | Laine | President's List |
Malloy | Declan | President's List |
Marcus | Mickayla | President's List |
Marelli | Sabrina | President's List |
Markley | Jack | President's List |
Martin | Anna | President's List |
Martin | Madelyn | President's List |
Maselli | Lindsi | President's List |
Massey | Alyssa | President's List |
Masterson | Campbell | President's List |
Mauldin | Shelby | President's List |
McAlister | Jacob | President's List |
McCarthy | Allison | President's List |
McDonnell | Jacqueline | President's List |
McGuire | Aydan | President's List |
McLaughlin | Kaylee | President's List |
McLoughlin | Reese | President's List |
McMahon | Sarah | President's List |
McMunn | Shaelin | President's List |
Meade | Juliana | President's List |
Mehren | Lillian | President's List |
Merkel | Madison | President's List |
Milefchik | Skyler | President's List |
Miller | Hannah | President's List |
Miller | Samantha | President's List |
Miller | Sydney | President's List |
Miller | Timmerian | President's List |
Mims | Kayley | President's List |
Mineroldi | Brinley | President's List |
Mirra | Ashley | President's List |
Mitchell | Sabrina | President's List |
Mize | Margaret | President's List |
Moore | Katherine | President's List |
Morreale | Alexandra | President's List |
Morris | Peyton | President's List |
Mottley | Catherine | President's List |
Muller | Sophia | President's List |
Mumford | Emily | President's List |
Murphy | Samantha | President's List |
Murray | Molly | President's List |
Myhill | Kenzie | President's List |
Neeley | Rebecca | President's List |
Nelson | Samantha | President's List |
Newman | Savanna | President's List |
Nguyen | Sheila | President's List |
Nixon | Samantha | President's List |
Norris | Mara | President's List |
O'Donnell | Merideth | President's List |
Olson | Katelyn | President's List |
Ono | Tomoharu | President's List |
Ormon | Joey | President's List |
O'Sullivan | Grace | President's List |
Pare | John Paul | President's List |
Parker | Julia | President's List |
Parker | Kyleigh | President's List |
Pellegrino | Evan | President's List |
Perilla | Madelyn | President's List |
Petersen | Reese | President's List |
Petitt | Brooke | President's List |
Phillips | Kelsey | President's List |
Philpot | Mary | President's List |
Pilla | Mary Catherine | President's List |
Pollina | Patrick | President's List |
Porzio | Talia | President's List |
Pray | Kayla | President's List |
Puglisi | Julia | President's List |
Pyle | Audrey | President's List |
Pyles | Charlotte | President's List |
Quinn | Chelsey | President's List |
Rabb | Emily | President's List |
Raitano | Abbigail | President's List |
Ratterree | Lucy | President's List |
Rayo | Isabel | President's List |
Rechsteiner | Anne | President's List |
Reese | Keevyn | President's List |
Reid | Chelsea | President's List |
Reilly | Liam | President's List |
Rice | Braelyn | President's List |
Richburg | Julianne | President's List |
Ridgill | Kanye | President's List |
Risinger | Avery | President's List |
Rivera | Kaitlyn | President's List |
Roland | Lian | President's List |
Rolison | Megan | President's List |
Romeiser | Lauren | President's List |
Rose | Siara | President's List |
Roth | Peyton | President's List |
Ruimerman | Samantha | President's List |
Salerno | Gabriella | President's List |
Sallurday | Ana | President's List |
Saxe | Charlotte | President's List |
Schaefer | Arianna | President's List |
Schein | Cecelia | President's List |
Schnobrich | Camille | President's List |
Schott | Lauren | President's List |
Schoultz | Madison | President's List |
Schroeder | Marley | President's List |
Scola | Greenleigh | President's List |
Scottino | Alexandra | President's List |
Seibel | Aselyn | President's List |
Severance | Abigail | President's List |
Sgroi | Madison | President's List |
Shaub | Jaclyn | President's List |
Shepardson | Bailey | President's List |
Sikorski | Kaelie | President's List |
Simmons | Lauren | President's List |
Simpson | Addisen | President's List |
Sims | Kylie | President's List |
Skippen | Lucy | President's List |
Smith | Emma | President's List |
Smith | Mary | President's List |
Smith | Reed | President's List |
Smoker | Emily | President's List |
Snyder | Anne | President's List |
Spancake | Camryn | President's List |
Spencer | Sydney | President's List |
Staniszewski | Adrianna | President's List |
Starr | Finnegan | President's List |
Steagall | Norah | President's List |
Steiner | Annaliese | President's List |
Sterling | Abigale | President's List |
Stout | Hannah | President's List |
Stovall | Mckenna | President's List |
Sturkie | Ava | President's List |
Suddeth | Anna | President's List |
Susitti | Chloe | President's List |
Sweat | Erin | President's List |
Sy | Steven | President's List |
Syslo | Jenna | President's List |
Tabb | Magdalene | President's List |
Taege | Addison | President's List |
Takakjy | Jenna | President's List |
Tavares | Madison | President's List |
Taylor | Alexis | President's List |
Teal | Chase | President's List |
Tellinger | Ashley | President's List |
Temples | Ella Mei | President's List |
Tetta | Jaiani | President's List |
Thomas | Ava | President's List |
Thomas | Cameron | President's List |
Till | Grace | President's List |
Torsberg | Cayden | President's List |
Travagline | Caitlyn | President's List |
Treder | Molly | President's List |
Trifiletti | Vivienne | President's List |
Tryban | Ashiah | President's List |
Uber | Rilee | President's List |
Vacca | Kennedy | President's List |
Van Dyke | Liaidan | President's List |
Vanikiotis | Sophie | President's List |
Vasquez | Amelia | President's List |
Vernarelli | Rachael | President's List |
VeRost | Gabriella | President's List |
Vick | Delanee | President's List |
Vickers | Allison | President's List |
Villella | Christina | President's List |
Wack | Isabella | President's List |
Wajszczuk | Charles | President's List |
Wales | Vanessa | President's List |
Wallace | Emma | President's List |
Warnock | Kristie | President's List |
Washburn | Cassandra | President's List |
Wells | Elyse | President's List |
White | Abigail | President's List |
Wiebking | Allison | President's List |
Williams | Paige | President's List |
Williamson | Georgia | President's List |
Williamson | Gianna | President's List |
Willis | Madison | President's List |
Wilson | Carolina | President's List |
Wilson | Deayshia | President's List |
Wilson | Owen | President's List |
Wingard | Savanna | President's List |
Wooddy | Lauren | President's List |
Woods | Riley | President's List |
Wudzki | Anastasia | President's List |
Yeldell | Taviyana | President's List |
Zhang | Selina | President's List |
Zimmer | Alexandria | President's List |
Zimmerman | Sarah | President's List |
Achu | Jemaimah Terna Shaahu | Dean's List |
Adler | Reece | Dean's List |
Aiken | Jasmine | Dean's List |
Aitcheson | Ava | Dean's List |
Alaimo | Lydia | Dean's List |
Alaisa | Matthew Ray | Dean's List |
Alegre | Madison | Dean's List |
Alexander | Jermyzha | Dean's List |
Alfasi | Nikolai | Dean's List |
Allen | Cherish | Dean's List |
Allin | Abigail | Dean's List |
Allison | Sarah | Dean's List |
Allocco | Emma | Dean's List |
Alms | Rylie | Dean's List |
Alston | Carrin | Dean's List |
Anderson | Erin | Dean's List |
Anderson | Leila | Dean's List |
Angeles | Lindsay | Dean's List |
Aravena | Valentina | Dean's List |
Archie | Tyraiana | Dean's List |
Ard | Anna | Dean's List |
Aresco | Nicole | Dean's List |
Arguello | Isabella | Dean's List |
Armstrong | Sahaura | Dean's List |
Asman | Abigail | Dean's List |
Avret | Georgia | Dean's List |
Bae | Lily | Dean's List |
Bagting | Margarette Angelica | Dean's List |
Baird | Sophia | Dean's List |
Baker | Ansley | Dean's List |
Baker | Jordan | Dean's List |
Baker | Kira | Dean's List |
Baker | Madeleine | Dean's List |
Baker | Zoe | Dean's List |
Ballard | Bridgette | Dean's List |
Ballard | Madeline | Dean's List |
Banks | Madison | Dean's List |
Barfield | Kacy | Dean's List |
Bayha | Maryella | Dean's List |
Bechtlofft | Amanda | Dean's List |
Bell | Quinaya | Dean's List |
Belmonte | Mia | Dean's List |
Benarick | Abigail | Dean's List |
Bennett | Ashley | Dean's List |
Bennett | Natalie | Dean's List |
Benton | Reagan | Dean's List |
Berent | Megan | Dean's List |
Bilotti | Liana | Dean's List |
Bixler | Laurel | Dean's List |
Blackburn | Lillian | Dean's List |
Blair | Moniyah | Dean's List |
Blake | Hannah | Dean's List |
Blanco Chavez | Karoline | Dean's List |
Bland | Karis | Dean's List |
Blanks | Sarah | Dean's List |
Blanock | Ella | Dean's List |
Bobak | Avery | Dean's List |
Boeddinghaus | Mallory | Dean's List |
Boggs | Lucy | Dean's List |
Bonfantino | Ella | Dean's List |
Bonyanpour | Alora | Dean's List |
Borg | Ava | Dean's List |
Bowen | Kalyn | Dean's List |
Brams | Tess | Dean's List |
Branham | Sarah | Dean's List |
Bransfield | Emma | Dean's List |
Brantley | Meadow | Dean's List |
Bravaco | Brielle | Dean's List |
Brennan | Olivia | Dean's List |
Breslawski | Alyson | Dean's List |
Brett | Shannon | Dean's List |
Brewer | Savannah | Dean's List |
Brigman | Samantha | Dean's List |
Brittain | Alexandra | Dean's List |
Brock | William | Dean's List |
Brockman | Emma | Dean's List |
Brown | Alexander | Dean's List |
Brown | Brianna | Dean's List |
Brown | Jamyria | Dean's List |
Brown | Klaire | Dean's List |
Brown | Kylie | Dean's List |
Brown | Laila | Dean's List |
Brown | Mckenna | Dean's List |
Bryant | Kelsey | Dean's List |
Budak | Olivia | Dean's List |
Bumcum | Arianna | Dean's List |
Buonopane | Chloe | Dean's List |
Burke | Claire | Dean's List |
Burrell | Gracie | Dean's List |
Burroughs | Olivia | Dean's List |
Busha | Abigail | Dean's List |
Butler | Jon'Shea | Dean's List |
Caldwell | Ava | Dean's List |
Callahan | Shea | Dean's List |
Callis | Zoe | Dean's List |
Campbell | Sutton | Dean's List |
Canady | Virginia | Dean's List |
Cannon | Katelyn | Dean's List |
Caroluzzi | Marissa | Dean's List |
Carr | Brianna | Dean's List |
Carroll | Macy | Dean's List |
Carroll | Ryan | Dean's List |
Casper | Haylie | Dean's List |
Cattie | Morgan | Dean's List |
Cava | Gianna | Dean's List |
Cavalli | Nicholas | Dean's List |
Cecchini | Francesca | Dean's List |
Chaffin | Maya | Dean's List |
Chapman | Virginia | Dean's List |
Chappell | Dayna | Dean's List |
Chase | Riley | Dean's List |
Chirico | Madison | Dean's List |
Cillino | Nina | Dean's List |
Ciolino | Michael | Dean's List |
Cirillo | Jennie | Dean's List |
Clark | Lilly | Dean's List |
Clark | Rickayala | Dean's List |
Clifton | Sarah | Dean's List |
Coaxum | Alexandria | Dean's List |
Coffey | Taylor | Dean's List |
Cohn | Emma | Dean's List |
Collins | Morgan | Dean's List |
Commins | Hope | Dean's List |
Conley | Madelyn | Dean's List |
Conner | Alexis | Dean's List |
Connors | Maiya | Dean's List |
Consigli | Danielle | Dean's List |
Cooley | Madelyn | Dean's List |
Cormack | Emma | Dean's List |
Cornett | Samantha | Dean's List |
Corrigan | Megan | Dean's List |
Costello | Kathryn | Dean's List |
Costley | Ashley | Dean's List |
Cox | Dylan | Dean's List |
Coyne | Noelle | Dean's List |
Craigo | Alaina | Dean's List |
Crandall | Allyson | Dean's List |
Crisan | Ariana | Dean's List |
Cuccurullo | Emily | Dean's List |
Cummings | Morgan | Dean's List |
Curenton | Ajah | Dean's List |
Curtis | Sarah | Dean's List |
Dahm | Alyssa | Dean's List |
Daise | Cheyenne | Dean's List |
Dalia | Victoria | Dean's List |
Dalpe | Elizabeth | Dean's List |
Damalas | Nicoletta Irene | Dean's List |
Darden | Sarah | Dean's List |
Davis | Brianna | Dean's List |
Davis | Cadance | Dean's List |
Davis | Chloe | Dean's List |
Davis | Emily | Dean's List |
Davis | Erica | Dean's List |
Davis | Lindsey | Dean's List |
Davis | Morgan | Dean's List |
Davis | Safya | Dean's List |
Dawson | Ginger | Dean's List |
Day | Taylor | Dean's List |
Deason | Emma | Dean's List |
DeHaven | Nathan | Dean's List |
Delaney | Mary | Dean's List |
DeLeo | Rachel | Dean's List |
Denckhoff | Robert | Dean's List |
DePinto | Julia | Dean's List |
DeShazor | Elizabeth | Dean's List |
Deutsch | Shannon | Dean's List |
DeVirgilio | Gianna | Dean's List |
Diaz | Leyla | Dean's List |
Dick | Olivia | Dean's List |
Dickerson | Nicole | Dean's List |
Didenko | Juliet | Dean's List |
Diffenderfer | Brynn | Dean's List |
Dingle | Brittney | Dean's List |
Dinkins | Emma | Dean's List |
DiPaola | Halee | Dean's List |
Dixon | Alexis | Dean's List |
Dixon | Kadyn | Dean's List |
Dodson | Brooke | Dean's List |
Dolbeck | Merryll | Dean's List |
Donathan | Lane | Dean's List |
Donohue | Kylie | Dean's List |
Dougherty | Cayla | Dean's List |
Dracoulis | Annabel | Dean's List |
Drew | Kerrigan | Dean's List |
Drumwright | Kennedi | Dean's List |
DuBose | Jennifer | Dean's List |
Duffy | Laura | Dean's List |
Dulligan | Celia | Dean's List |
Dunkin | Remy | Dean's List |
Dunn | Ava | Dean's List |
Dunn | Libby | Dean's List |
Dunn | Natalie | Dean's List |
Dunster | Kathleen | Dean's List |
Dunster | Reed | Dean's List |
Durling | Hailey | Dean's List |
Dutcher | Makenna | Dean's List |
Duty | Samantha | Dean's List |
Eaddy | Mercer | Dean's List |
Earley | Lauryn | Dean's List |
Edlund | Reese | Dean's List |
Edouard | Garrick | Dean's List |
Edwards | Alyssa | Dean's List |
Ekberg | Jane | Dean's List |
Elicks | Samantha | Dean's List |
Ellison | Inaya | Dean's List |
Enoch | Shondrea | Dean's List |
Fagundus | Maci | Dean's List |
Fant | Kumorah | Dean's List |
Faust | Caitlin | Dean's List |
Feighner | Emma | Dean's List |
Feraci | Dominic | Dean's List |
Ferreira | Grace | Dean's List |
Fiorella | Anastasia | Dean's List |
Fisgus | Emery | Dean's List |
Fisher | Thomas | Dean's List |
Floyd | Julia | Dean's List |
Flynn | Karsen | Dean's List |
Flynn | Regan | Dean's List |
Folk | Norin | Dean's List |
Foos | Ella | Dean's List |
Ford | Grace | Dean's List |
Forshay | Grace | Dean's List |
Foster | Julia | Dean's List |
Foster | Maggie | Dean's List |
Frazier | My'Kerria | Dean's List |
Frederick | Cailin | Dean's List |
Freeman | Aubree | Dean's List |
Fricker | Grace | Dean's List |
Fryzowicz | Ryan | Dean's List |
Fuller | Emily | Dean's List |
Garner | Catherine | Dean's List |
Gary | Jordyn | Dean's List |
Gary | Raven | Dean's List |
Gaskins | Genna | Dean's List |
Geddens | Caleb | Dean's List |
Geyer | Courtney | Dean's List |
Gholson | Keira | Dean's List |
Gibbons | Elaina | Dean's List |
Gibbs | Isabelle | Dean's List |
Gibson | Kelley | Dean's List |
Gibson | Taliyah | Dean's List |
Gilbert | Megan | Dean's List |
Gillgrist | Ethan | Dean's List |
Ginty | Sara | Dean's List |
Givens | Sarah | Dean's List |
Godwin | Abigail | Dean's List |
Gommer | Kara | Dean's List |
Gonzalez | Emily | Dean's List |
Goode | Janyiah | Dean's List |
Gooding | Phoebe | Dean's List |
Goodman | Mia | Dean's List |
Goodwin | Zantoria | Dean's List |
Gorey | Jack | Dean's List |
Grabiec | Ethan | Dean's List |
Graham | Sophia | Dean's List |
Gray | Abigail | Dean's List |
Greenberg | Emily | Dean's List |
Grenham | Meaghan | Dean's List |
Grennan | Jadyn | Dean's List |
Griffiths Terry | Jasmyn | Dean's List |
Grohe | Taylor | Dean's List |
Grupp | Emma | Dean's List |
Guess | Taylor | Dean's List |
Guy | Riley | Dean's List |
Hagler | Susan | Dean's List |
Hall | Chloe | Dean's List |
Hall | Keely | Dean's List |
Hamilton | Maura | Dean's List |
Hannah | Yusef | Dean's List |
Hannon | Emma | Dean's List |
Hardesty | Lauren | Dean's List |
Harenchar | Kate | Dean's List |
Hargett | Emma | Dean's List |
Harris | Ja'Zaria | Dean's List |
Harris | Torey | Dean's List |
Hartman | Kendall | Dean's List |
Hawkins | Braham | Dean's List |
Haymore | Elizabeth | Dean's List |
Healy | Maeve | Dean's List |
Heaton | Alyssa | Dean's List |
Heller | Kathleen | Dean's List |
Henderson | Erin | Dean's List |
Hernandez | Jennifer | Dean's List |
Hernandez | Josahany | Dean's List |
Herring | Grace | Dean's List |
Hesson | Margaret | Dean's List |
Hewitt | Molly | Dean's List |
Heyl | Sydney | Dean's List |
Hickmon | Jaisha | Dean's List |
Hicks | Laney | Dean's List |
Hilal | Hannah | Dean's List |
Hoekstra | Avery | Dean's List |
Hoff | Isabella | Dean's List |
Hoffman | Ava | Dean's List |
Holland | Cheney | Dean's List |
Holland | Natalie | Dean's List |
Holliday | Victoria | Dean's List |
Holmes | Emily | Dean's List |
Homsher | Katelyn | Dean's List |
Hopkins | Anya | Dean's List |
Hopmans | Esmee | Dean's List |
Horn | Rebecca | Dean's List |
Huang | Xu Xuan | Dean's List |
Huddleston | Leslie | Dean's List |
Huntley | Mary | Dean's List |
Huntley | Rebecca | Dean's List |
Hurley | Nicole | Dean's List |
Huss | Nevaeh | Dean's List |
Hutchins | Malia | Dean's List |
Inabinet | Lane | Dean's List |
Jackson | Donnie | Dean's List |
Jacob | Ava | Dean's List |
Jacob | Sakari | Dean's List |
Jacobs | Amaya | Dean's List |
James | Lily | Dean's List |
James | Mariah | Dean's List |
Jefferson | Jaidis | Dean's List |
Jenkins | Aiden | Dean's List |
Jensen | Vanessa | Dean's List |
Jimenez Ramon | Marlin | Dean's List |
Johnfroe | Chloé | Dean's List |
Johnson | Crystal | Dean's List |
Johnson | Lauren | Dean's List |
Johnson | Myla | Dean's List |
Jones | Chandler | Dean's List |
Jones | Kamryn | Dean's List |
Jones | Keionia | Dean's List |
Kaczynski | Abigail | Dean's List |
Kane | Kylie | Dean's List |
Karalius | Mia | Dean's List |
Kast | Anna | Dean's List |
Kaul | Jenna | Dean's List |
Keefe | Hayden | Dean's List |
Kelly | Ashlyn | Dean's List |
Kennelly | Jillian | Dean's List |
Ketchum | Brooke | Dean's List |
Kilduff | Kate | Dean's List |
Killingsworth | Jameah | Dean's List |
King | Catherine | Dean's List |
Kittredge | Allison | Dean's List |
Kitundu | Kelly | Dean's List |
Klages | Kelly | Dean's List |
Klees | Makayla | Dean's List |
Klein | Sarah | Dean's List |
Kler | Camdyn | Dean's List |
Kociban | Alexis | Dean's List |
Kodosky | Sasha | Dean's List |
Kramer | Lilyanna | Dean's List |
Krane | Alexis | Dean's List |
Kuehn | Cameron | Dean's List |
Kuester | George | Dean's List |
Kunak | Jenna | Dean's List |
Kunitsa | Katherine | Dean's List |
Kurtz-Carney | Bailey | Dean's List |
Kwitkin | Abigail | Dean's List |
LaCava | Isabella | Dean's List |
Lally | Jacob | Dean's List |
Landry | Cassidy | Dean's List |
Lantz | Autumn | Dean's List |
Lassen | Alyssa | Dean's List |
Laws | Molly | Dean's List |
Lawson | Genevie | Dean's List |
Lawson | Lauren | Dean's List |
Lawson | Parker | Dean's List |
Lee | Kirstin | Dean's List |
Leifheit | Lilly | Dean's List |
Lemon | Breanna | Dean's List |
Lennon | Kayla | Dean's List |
Lewis | Emerson | Dean's List |
Lindemann | Julia | Dean's List |
Linscott | Ashley | Dean's List |
Litton | Grace | Dean's List |
Livingston | Amber | Dean's List |
Lloyd | Blaike | Dean's List |
Loconte | Sienna | Dean's List |
Long | Maylen | Dean's List |
Longo | Hannah | Dean's List |
Lott | Nyla | Dean's List |
Lowman | Ashley | Dean's List |
Lumley | Shea | Dean's List |
Lundy | Kara | Dean's List |
Lusterino | Andrew | Dean's List |
Luton | Caroline | Dean's List |
Lynch | Megan | Dean's List |
Magarity | Kylie | Dean's List |
Maicher | Sarah | Dean's List |
Major | Rachel | Dean's List |
Malandro | Sophia | Dean's List |
Malever | Julia | Dean's List |
Maloney | Hattie | Dean's List |
Mamajek | Hannah | Dean's List |
Mangus | Grace | Dean's List |
Manley | Kaitlyn | Dean's List |
Manning | Emily | Dean's List |
Maples | Sydney | Dean's List |
Marciano | Logan | Dean's List |
Marks | Zachary | Dean's List |
Marmolejo | Jacob | Dean's List |
Marschalk | Caroline | Dean's List |
Marshall | Caroline | Dean's List |
Martin | Ashley | Dean's List |
Martin | Ava | Dean's List |
Martin | Grace | Dean's List |
Martinez Bermudez | Mia | Dean's List |
Martinez H | Lourdes | Dean's List |
Mascitti | Luke | Dean's List |
Matthews | Madelyn | Dean's List |
Maxie | Kayleigh | Dean's List |
Maxon | Camryn | Dean's List |
Mayhew | Madeline | Dean's List |
McAllister | Price | Dean's List |
McCann | Cameron | Dean's List |
McClure | Avery | Dean's List |
Mccormack | Adaline | Dean's List |
McDonald | Ryan | Dean's List |
McDowell | Ashlynn | Dean's List |
McDowell | Raycie | Dean's List |
McGregor | Mia | Dean's List |
McGuire | Sophie | Dean's List |
Mckenzie | Kamaiya | Dean's List |
McLane | Hayden | Dean's List |
McLean | Sophia | Dean's List |
Mcmaham | Kimori | Dean's List |
McMorris | Kayla | Dean's List |
McMurray | Ilayah | Dean's List |
McMurtry | Dane | Dean's List |
McNeil | Charlie | Dean's List |
McNulty | Allison | Dean's List |
McRae | Rodrick | Dean's List |
Meehan | Ella | Dean's List |
Menke | Mckenna | Dean's List |
Meszaros | Kyra | Dean's List |
Meymar | Marc Anthony | Dean's List |
Miller | Jordan | Dean's List |
Miller | Kaylin | Dean's List |
Milne | Rylee | Dean's List |
Miranda | Anna | Dean's List |
Mitchum | Emily | Dean's List |
Mollaghan | Ava | Dean's List |
Montanucci | Davi | Dean's List |
Monterrosa | Raquel | Dean's List |
Moody | Faith | Dean's List |
Moore | Elizabeth | Dean's List |
Moran | Tyler | Dean's List |
Moriarty | Madeleine | Dean's List |
Morris | Grace | Dean's List |
Moss | Landry | Dean's List |
Moulton | Sadie | Dean's List |
Munoz-Romero | Tamara | Dean's List |
Murphy | Allison | Dean's List |
Murphy | Lauryn | Dean's List |
Murray | Grace | Dean's List |
Namdar | Liliana | Dean's List |
Nanni | Reese | Dean's List |
Nash | Morgan | Dean's List |
Neely | Nicole | Dean's List |
Nerenberg | Mackenzie | Dean's List |
Newcomb | Lindsay | Dean's List |
Newman | Rylee | Dean's List |
Nickel | Isabelle | Dean's List |
Nikas | Maria | Dean's List |
Northup | Rachel | Dean's List |
Novak | Fiona | Dean's List |
O'Brien | Molly | Dean's List |
Odoms | Kristen | Dean's List |
O'Flaherty | Donna | Dean's List |
O'Hanlon | Sheanah | Dean's List |
O'Neil | Zuri | Dean's List |
O'Reilly | Madison | Dean's List |
Orrell | Anna | Dean's List |
O'Sullivan | Christopher | Dean's List |
OToole | Makenzie | Dean's List |
Oueini | Sophia | Dean's List |
Ozanne | Ella | Dean's List |
Parish | Ellery | Dean's List |
Parks | Ella | Dean's List |
Pass | Madeleine | Dean's List |
Patel | Aarchi | Dean's List |
Patel | Henna | Dean's List |
Patel | Trishna | Dean's List |
Paterno | Reese | Dean's List |
Patterson | Kaci | Dean's List |
Pearson | Lillyan | Dean's List |
Pearson | Miranda | Dean's List |
Pentecost | James | Dean's List |
Perkins | Lucy | Dean's List |
Perry | Ella | Dean's List |
Perry | Nicole | Dean's List |
Peterson | Abby | Dean's List |
Pham | Leyna-Nhi | Dean's List |
Phillips | Carly | Dean's List |
Phillips | Lydia | Dean's List |
Pickerel | Mckenzie | Dean's List |
Pierson | Katherine | Dean's List |
Poggenburg | Ella | Dean's List |
Polites | Tess | Dean's List |
Price | Taylor | Dean's List |
Pullie | Marikatherine | Dean's List |
Purcell | Andrew | Dean's List |
Purdum | Logan | Dean's List |
Pusha-Weeks | Kailey | Dean's List |
Quigley | Morgan | Dean's List |
Quinn | Shayla | Dean's List |
Quintanilla | Chelsea | Dean's List |
Rabinowitch | Natasha | Dean's List |
Rabon | Alexandra | Dean's List |
Rainey | Abigail | Dean's List |
Ramsdell | Caroline | Dean's List |
Randall | Daija | Dean's List |
Randolph | Makayla | Dean's List |
Ransom | Sarah | Dean's List |
Rapchinski | Ella | Dean's List |
Raykovicz | Julia | Dean's List |
Reigel | Jazmine | Dean's List |
Revell | Kailey | Dean's List |
Riley | Skyler | Dean's List |
Robbins | Cameryn | Dean's List |
Roberts | Lauren | Dean's List |
Robles Jimenez | Catherine | Dean's List |
Rogers | Kaylee | Dean's List |
Rogers | Miah | Dean's List |
Rogers | Sarah | Dean's List |
Rohan | Emelia | Dean's List |
Rokke-Smith | Madeline | Dean's List |
Rosa | Aubrey | Dean's List |
Ross | Gabryella | Dean's List |
Rudolph | Amy | Dean's List |
Ruff | Megan | Dean's List |
Ruighaver | Riley | Dean's List |
Rush | Kristina | Dean's List |
Ryan | Jamie | Dean's List |
Rymarcsuk | Ryann | Dean's List |
Sagedy | Mary | Dean's List |
Salvatori | Alexa | Dean's List |
Sammis | Keira | Dean's List |
Santos | Shegun Emmanuel | Dean's List |
Saul | Karli | Dean's List |
Savarese | Jordyn | Dean's List |
Saville | Ashlyn | Dean's List |
Scaggs | Ivy | Dean's List |
Schiller | Madeline | Dean's List |
Schofield | Lucy | Dean's List |
Schuster | Mckinley | Dean's List |
Schwarz | Alexandra | Dean's List |
Scott | Hailey | Dean's List |
Scott | Katelyn | Dean's List |
Scott | Mcleod | Dean's List |
Seeber | Ellena | Dean's List |
Segars | Mary | Dean's List |
Seifert | Ava | Dean's List |
Seiter | Abigail | Dean's List |
Sell | Linda | Dean's List |
Sepe | Avamaria | Dean's List |
Service | Emma | Dean's List |
Sesto | Allyson | Dean's List |
Sharpe | Kinsey | Dean's List |
Shiffer | Clare | Dean's List |
Shulman | Madison | Dean's List |
Siano | Ansley | Dean's List |
Silipo | Nicholas | Dean's List |
Simcox | Caitlin | Dean's List |
Simmons | Kylie | Dean's List |
Simmons | Sydney | Dean's List |
Simmons | Zahria | Dean's List |
Simpson | Brianna | Dean's List |
Skinner | Ellison | Dean's List |
Sloan | Margaret | Dean's List |
Small | Haven | Dean's List |
Smalls | Tytiyana | Dean's List |
Smiley | Ziaire | Dean's List |
Smith | Adeline | Dean's List |
Smith | Ke'Ana | Dean's List |
Smith | Macey | Dean's List |
Smith | Meredith | Dean's List |
Smutny | Mackenna | Dean's List |
Snyder | Mary | Dean's List |
Sorg | Danielle | Dean's List |
Souder | Eleanor | Dean's List |
Sowells | Mo'Nazia | Dean's List |
Sowers | Meghan | Dean's List |
Speciale | John | Dean's List |
Sprague | Anna | Dean's List |
Stacey | Charissa | Dean's List |
Stanislaw | Reagan | Dean's List |
Stanyek | Cassandra | Dean's List |
Stefanac | Kaitlin | Dean's List |
Stephenson | Savannah | Dean's List |
Stevens | Benjamin | Dean's List |
Stevenson | Hadley | Dean's List |
Stewart | Grayson | Dean's List |
Stockman | Caitlyn | Dean's List |
Stockman | Madison | Dean's List |
Stocks | Carson | Dean's List |
Stokes | Madelyn | Dean's List |
Stoll | Mae | Dean's List |
Strange | Ava | Dean's List |
Strong | Saniyah | Dean's List |
Stroupe | Josie | Dean's List |
Stumpp | Riley | Dean's List |
Sturm | Theodore | Dean's List |
Sullivan | Aiden | Dean's List |
Sullivan | Parker | Dean's List |
Summers | Iyonna | Dean's List |
Sumpter | Zacaria | Dean's List |
Suttles | Ashlyn | Dean's List |
Swanson | Collin | Dean's List |
Swinton | Allison | Dean's List |
Szyszko | Caitie | Dean's List |
Tagliareni | Lucia | Dean's List |
Tally | Madison | Dean's List |
Talmo | Alyssa | Dean's List |
Tanner | Kendra | Dean's List |
Taylor | Zariyah | Dean's List |
Thien | Baylee | Dean's List |
Thomason | Truth | Dean's List |
Thompson | Lee | Dean's List |
Thomsen | Madisen | Dean's List |
Tice | Allyson | Dean's List |
Tiwari | Avery | Dean's List |
Toner | Nicole | Dean's List |
Toscani | Mia | Dean's List |
Toth | Coral | Dean's List |
Tracy | Sarah | Dean's List |
Trawick | Mia | Dean's List |
Tremblay | Emily | Dean's List |
Tsambounieris | Fotini | Dean's List |
Tsoupros | Sophia | Dean's List |
Tuazon | Kayla | Dean's List |
Tucker | Briana | Dean's List |
Turley | Madeline | Dean's List |
Turner | Mary Katherine | Dean's List |
Upshaw | Khaila | Dean's List |
Urbina-Rodriguez | Lilah | Dean's List |
Urzia | Vanessa | Dean's List |
Van Wingerden | Bridget | Dean's List |
Varn | Katherine | Dean's List |
Velez | Carolina | Dean's List |
Velocci | Julia | Dean's List |
Velte | Ashlyn | Dean's List |
Vidanes | Julian | Dean's List |
Vilga | Skarlett | Dean's List |
Villamarin-Mendo | Daniela | Dean's List |
Vincent | Olivia | Dean's List |
Vincent | Rogan | Dean's List |
Viznovych | Bogdana | Dean's List |
Volk | Devon | Dean's List |
Waldman | Lyla | Dean's List |
Walker | Daniel | Dean's List |
Wall | Jack | Dean's List |
Wall | Kathryn | Dean's List |
Walz | Sophia | Dean's List |
Ward | Allyson | Dean's List |
Warnecke | Reagan | Dean's List |
Watt | Annika | Dean's List |
Wease | Hannah | Dean's List |
Weaver | Jessica | Dean's List |
Weber | Hannah | Dean's List |
Weber | Theresa | Dean's List |
Webster | Drew | Dean's List |
Wedemeyer | Laurel | Dean's List |
Weiss | Jolie | Dean's List |
Wesley | Brianna | Dean's List |
West | Gracie | Dean's List |
Whitaker | Kamaya | Dean's List |
White | Saniya | Dean's List |
Whitman | Mya | Dean's List |
Wiley | Kamille | Dean's List |
Williams | Adajja | Dean's List |
Williams | Peter | Dean's List |
Wilson | Aniya | Dean's List |
Wilson | Eva | Dean's List |
Wilson | Morgan | Dean's List |
Woodham | Sara | Dean's List |
Woods | Ariel | Dean's List |
Woodward | Kristina | Dean's List |
Woolley | Mary | Dean's List |
Woyahn | Darby | Dean's List |
Wright | Caitlin | Dean's List |
Wrubel | Madeline | Dean's List |
Wyble | Kelly | Dean's List |
Yaste | Isabella | Dean's List |
Yedla | Spandana | Dean's List |
Yeh | Alexander | Dean's List |
Young | Delaney | Dean's List |
Yu | Rebecca | Dean's List |
Zafft | Prielle | Dean's List |
Zbell | Madison | Dean's List |
Zeigler | Kennedy | Dean's List |
Zielinski | Abigail | Dean's List |
Zimmerman | Mia | Dean's List |