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College of Nursing

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Spring 2022 Honor List

Each semester, the university publishes the President’s Honor List and the Dean’s Honor List to recognize undergraduate students who, at the end of the previous semester, had achieved outstanding academic success.
First Name Last Name Honor 
Khadijah Abdul-Qawee Dean's List
Lillian Abernathy Dean's List
Reese Adam Dean's List
Mary Adams President's List / Dean's List
Oyniso Adilmatova Dean's List
Emmerson Adkins President's List / Dean's List
Gracelyn Alexander Dean's List
Rachel Alexander Dean's List
Faith Alford Dean's List
Amelia Allen President's List / Dean's List
Breanna Allen President's List / Dean's List
Abigail Alley President's List / Dean's List
Claire Ambrose Dean's List
Grace Anderson Dean's List
Grace Andrews Dean's List
Avery Apple Dean's List
Mckensie Arant President's List / Dean's List
Corinne Arbogast President's List / Dean's List
Hannah Argame President's List / Dean's List
Isabella Arguello President's List / Dean's List
Avery Arico President's List / Dean's List
Alexus Arms President's List / Dean's List
Regan Arnold Dean's List
Deniah Arthur Dean's List
Marissa Baca Dean's List
Brooklyn Bailey Dean's List
Kennerly Bair Dean's List
Ansley Baker Dean's List
Charlotte Baker Dean's List
Kira Baker Dean's List
Lindsey Baker Dean's List
Leah Balaska Dean's List
Gabrielle Baldassari Dean's List
Emily Banghart President's List / Dean's List
Logan Barnes President's List / Dean's List
Rachel Barr President's List / Dean's List
Kathryn Barrett Dean's List
Lindsey Bartlett President's List / Dean's List
Karis Bass Dean's List
Tradd Beauchamp President's List / Dean's List
Olivia Beckner Dean's List
Anna Beerman Dean's List
Allyson Beers President's List / Dean's List
Collene Belue President's List / Dean's List
Elizabeth Benner President's List / Dean's List
Ava Bennett President's List / Dean's List
Natalie Bennett Dean's List
Barbara Benson Dean's List
Grace Berghoff Dean's List
Carly Bernstein President's List / Dean's List
Gabriella Bertolotti Dean's List
Allison Bird Dean's List
Madison Bishop Dean's List
Emily Bizzell President's List / Dean's List
Carlie Blackmon President's List / Dean's List
Alexis Blackwell Dean's List
Katelyn Blackwell President's List / Dean's List
Karis Bland President's List / Dean's List
Malena Blankenship President's List / Dean's List
Isabella Block President's List / Dean's List
Olivia Boehm President's List / Dean's List
Anna Bohrer President's List / Dean's List
Gabriel Bolivar Dean's List
Jessica Bolt President's List / Dean's List
Shanice Bostic Dean's List
Emma Boulet President's List / Dean's List
Lauren Bowen Dean's List
Kayla Bowman Dean's List
Keaveonce Boyd Dean's List
Noah Boykin Dean's List
Amelia Boyle Dean's List
Sarah Bragg President's List / Dean's List
Zoey Brazell Dean's List
Christine Brennan President's List / Dean's List
Addison Brown Dean's List
Brantlee Brown Dean's List
Gabrielle Brown President's List / Dean's List
Taylor Brown Dean's List
Joshua Bruinsma Dean's List
Mairead Buckley Dean's List
Rachel Buckner Dean's List
Emily Bui President's List / Dean's List
Layne Bullock Dean's List
Jordan Burkey President's List / Dean's List
Sarah Burris Dean's List
Peyton Burrows Dean's List
Charlotte Burts President's List / Dean's List
Catherine Butler Dean's List
Mercedes Byrd Dean's List
Kelly Byrne Dean's List
Samantha Byrnes Dean's List
Aura Cabrera President's List / Dean's List
Olivia Calhoun President's List / Dean's List
Anna Capin Dean's List
Eva Cappelmann Dean's List
Kailey Carr President's List / Dean's List
Erin Carson President's List / Dean's List
Anna Carter Dean's List
Meghan Casey Dean's List
Claxton-Grace Caswell President's List / Dean's List
Kacy Cauda Dean's List
Baileigh Cheeks Dean's List
Emily Chihocky Dean's List
Kelsey Chong Dean's List
Regan Christopher Dean's List
Jennie Cirillo Dean's List
Corey Cochran Dean's List
Ava Cohen President's List / Dean's List
Kaitlyn Cole Dean's List
Janiya Coleman Dean's List
Ella Collins President's List / Dean's List
Sarah Collins President's List / Dean's List
Sophia Cong Dean's List
Jonathan Cook Dean's List
Madison Cook President's List / Dean's List
Noah Cook Dean's List
Jordan Cooper President's List / Dean's List
Juliana Copeman President's List / Dean's List
Emma Corner Dean's List
Camryn Cothran President's List / Dean's List
Lauren Courtney Dean's List
Peyton Cox Dean's List
Ashley Crim Dean's List
Katelin Cripps Dean's List
Rachel Crossin President's List / Dean's List
Madison Crouch Dean's List
Hannah Crounse President's List / Dean's List
Isabella Crovo President's List / Dean's List
Briana Cruz Dean's List
Czarina-Tatiana Cruz President's List / Dean's List
Gabriela Curto Dean's List
Sydney Cutter President's List / Dean's List
Amanda Cyran Dean's List
Kelsey Dailey President's List / Dean's List
Elizabeth Dalpe President's List / Dean's List
Melissa Danilov Dean's List
Lauren Dartley President's List / Dean's List
Anna Davis President's List / Dean's List
Elizabeth Davis President's List / Dean's List
Hasanna Davis President's List / Dean's List
Katie Davis Dean's List
Chloe Dawson Dean's List
Payton Deal Dean's List
Kylie Deem Dean's List
Sydney Delamater Dean's List
Rachel DeLeo Dean's List
Mary Rose DePont Dean's List
Abigail Derr President's List / Dean's List
Isabelle Derrick President's List / Dean's List
Elizabeth DeShazor President's List / Dean's List
Emma Desrocher Dean's List
Sydney Devlin President's List / Dean's List
Sandra Dickert Dean's List
Cassidy Dickey President's List / Dean's List
Emily Dickinson Dean's List
Marina Diello Dean's List
Caroline Dixon President's List / Dean's List
Merryll Dolbeck President's List / Dean's List
Lane Donathan President's List / Dean's List
Ava Donnelly President's List / Dean's List
Abby Donohue President's List / Dean's List
Cassie Dorr Dean's List
Sidney Dozier Dean's List
Mikaela Drennan Dean's List
Grace Driscoll President's List / Dean's List
Hannah DuCharme Dean's List
Faith Duff President's List / Dean's List
Andrew Dutton Dean's List
Ethan Dutton President's List / Dean's List
Samantha Duty President's List / Dean's List
Grace Ebbing Dean's List
Kristin Ebert President's List / Dean's List
Elizabeth Eckbert President's List / Dean's List
Alyssa Edwards Dean's List
My'Kayla Edwards Dean's List
Caroline Egan Dean's List
Ny’Kendria Elder Dean's List
Jayden Ellis Dean's List
Somaria Ellis President's List / Dean's List
Mikayla Engstrom President's List / Dean's List
Emma Epperly President's List / Dean's List
Katelyn Eror President's List / Dean's List
Laney Evans Dean's List
Molly Fagan President's List / Dean's List
Hope Fahrner President's List / Dean's List
Aidan Fahy Dean's List
Gracelee Fasanella Dean's List
Olivia Faulkenberry Dean's List
Erin Fay Dean's List
Erika Felder President's List / Dean's List
Rose Ferguson Dean's List
Derek Ferraro President's List / Dean's List
Jonathan Field President's List / Dean's List
Margaret Filaseta President's List / Dean's List
Brianna Flanagan President's List / Dean's List
Erica Flowers Dean's List
Gracie Floyd Dean's List
Regan Flynn President's List / Dean's List
Breann Fogle President's List / Dean's List
Alissa Foley Dean's List
Nicole Foley Dean's List
Mallory Ford President's List / Dean's List
Margaret Ford Dean's List
Victoria Ford President's List / Dean's List
Mckayla Forman Dean's List
Grace Forshay President's List / Dean's List
Brooke Fortunato President's List / Dean's List
Emma Fralix Dean's List
Chloe Franklin President's List / Dean's List
Shane Freeman President's List / Dean's List
Carson French Dean's List
Corinne French Dean's List
Grace Fricker President's List / Dean's List
Courtney Fuller President's List / Dean's List
Emily Fuller Dean's List
Hayleigh Fulmer Dean's List
Hannah Funston Dean's List
Akilah Gadson Dean's List
Taylor Galgano Dean's List
Rachel Gandhi Dean's List
Carly Gardner President's List / Dean's List
Emma Gardner President's List / Dean's List
Lauren Garland Dean's List
Akyra Garrett Dean's List
Mary Garrett Dean's List
Raven Gary President's List / Dean's List
Allyson Geiger Dean's List
Amanda Georgescu President's List / Dean's List
Lauren Gerold President's List / Dean's List
Lauren Gesek Dean's List
Emily Gibbs Dean's List
Isabelle Gibbs Dean's List
Myla Gill Dean's List
Kristen Gload Dean's List
Danielle Goater Dean's List
Greysen Godwin President's List / Dean's List
Kennedy Golden Dean's List
Bailey Goldschmidt President's List / Dean's List
Averiona Goodwin Dean's List
Claire Gorey Dean's List
Niamh Gormley Dean's List
Owen Grabkowitz Dean's List
Emma Gragg President's List / Dean's List
Abigail Gray President's List / Dean's List
Maggie Gray President's List / Dean's List
Maria Gregotowicz Dean's List
Heather Griffin President's List / Dean's List
Kiajuana Griffin President's List / Dean's List
Alexis Gross Dean's List
Vicky Guo Dean's List
Teagan Hackim President's List / Dean's List
Kaitlyn Hall Dean's List
Nathan Hall President's List / Dean's List
Sierra Hall Dean's List
Zoey Hall Dean's List
Rachel Hamberis Dean's List
Grace Hamilton Dean's List
Peyton Hankla Dean's List
Kaelyn Hansen Dean's List
Hannah Hardy President's List / Dean's List
Lindsay Harris Dean's List
Torey Harris Dean's List
A'Shanti Hart Dean's List
Julia Hartman Dean's List
Sean Harvey Dean's List
Ainsley Hass President's List / Dean's List
Sophia Havlik Dean's List
Ayaan Hawkins Regis Dean's List
Amir Hay Dean's List
Christina Haynes President's List / Dean's List
Jennifer He President's List / Dean's List
Tiara Hebron Dean's List
Ashley Heinrich President's List / Dean's List
Ariyah Henry Dean's List
Caroline Henry Dean's List
Emma Hernandez Cancela Dean's List
Grace Herring President's List / Dean's List
Graycen Hess President's List / Dean's List
Margaret Hesson Dean's List
Morgan Hickey President's List / Dean's List
Grace Higgins President's List / Dean's List
Elise Hill Dean's List
Makyla Hill Dean's List
Mckinley Hill Dean's List
Daniel Hinshaw Dean's List
Caroline Hinson Dean's List
Thomas Hodges President's List / Dean's List
Kaelin Homchik Dean's List
Mallory Hook President's List / Dean's List
Morgan Hopkins Dean's List
Kailey Hoppe President's List / Dean's List
Rebecca Horn President's List / Dean's List
Brittany House Dean's List
Reece Hubbard President's List / Dean's List
Payton Hufford Dean's List
Alexandra Hughes Dean's List
Jordyn Hughes President's List / Dean's List
Nolan Hunter President's List / Dean's List
Kelly Hurford President's List / Dean's List
Nicole Hurley Dean's List
Heather Huyck Dean's List
Justin Huynh President's List / Dean's List
Luis Ignacio President's List / Dean's List
Mckenna Ilisie Dean's List
Morgan Irhin President's List / Dean's List
Alexandra Ivey Dean's List
Imani Jackson Dean's List
Janiyah Jackson President's List / Dean's List
Sheridan Jajuga Dean's List
Maeve Jarvis Dean's List
Audrey Jervey Dean's List
Alyssa Jo Jezewski President's List / Dean's List
Caitlynn Johnson President's List / Dean's List
Jordan Johnson President's List / Dean's List
Tysean Johnson Dean's List
Sophi Jolley President's List / Dean's List
Ian Jones Dean's List
Madison Jones Dean's List
Maggie Jones President's List / Dean's List
Sydney Jones Dean's List
Moira Jordan Dean's List
Madilynn Joseph Dean's List
Payton Kahler President's List / Dean's List
Chloe Karabas President's List / Dean's List
Logan Kaufman Dean's List
Mary Kay Dean's List
Zachary Keel Dean's List
Caitlin Keener President's List / Dean's List
Rachel Keisler President's List / Dean's List
Aja Keitt-Butler Dean's List
Ashlyn Kelly President's List / Dean's List
Elexus Kelly President's List / Dean's List
Shannon Kelly President's List / Dean's List
Justine Kenny Dean's List
Kelly Keough Dean's List
Olivia Kessler President's List / Dean's List
Lauren Key President's List / Dean's List
Katie Keys Dean's List
Kennedy Kilgore Dean's List
Darby Killman President's List / Dean's List
Taylor Kopittke Dean's List
Haley Kovach Dean's List
Morgan Kramer Dean's List
Alexis Krane President's List / Dean's List
Emily Krantz Dean's List
Leah Krompecher Dean's List
Olivia Kruse President's List / Dean's List
Abigail Kuebler Dean's List
Abigail Kuehl President's List / Dean's List
Christine Labuz President's List / Dean's List
Isabella LaCava President's List / Dean's List
Campbell Lacroix President's List / Dean's List
Quinn Lafferty Dean's List
Sofia Lagares Dean's List
Tongelayah Lagroon Dean's List
Sarah Lakatos Dean's List
Grace Lang President's List / Dean's List
Amanda Lawler Dean's List
Paige Lawrence President's List / Dean's List
Jasmine Le Dean's List
Gianna Leccese President's List / Dean's List
Lindsey Lee Dean's List
Laney Lenz President's List / Dean's List
Katrina Lepka Dean's List
Megan Lesley President's List / Dean's List
Shelby Lester Dean's List
Myrna Lewis Dean's List
Sophia Leyra Dean's List
Sophia Li Dean's List
Amy Lin President's List / Dean's List
Lindsey Lipman President's List / Dean's List
Bradley Little President's List / Dean's List
Grace Litton President's List / Dean's List
Emily Lolar Dean's List
Sydney Loman President's List / Dean's List
Madison Lomas Dean's List
Emmeline Lopez President's List / Dean's List
Lauren Lovett President's List / Dean's List
Kaylie Lowden Dean's List
Bryson Lowe Dean's List
Ashley Lowman President's List / Dean's List
Liliana Lozano President's List / Dean's List
Shea Lumley Dean's List
Hannah Lutz Dean's List
Kevin Lynch President's List / Dean's List
Nicole Maciorowski Dean's List
Sarah Mack Dean's List
Nora Mader President's List / Dean's List
Kylie Magarity President's List / Dean's List
Hannah Mahoney President's List / Dean's List
Cayla Malloy Dean's List
Claire Maloney Dean's List
Jessica Manes Dean's List
Emma Manucy Dean's List
Rachel Manukas President's List / Dean's List
Isabella Marchese Dean's List
Logan Marciano President's List / Dean's List
Hadley Markland President's List / Dean's List
Julia Marquardt Dean's List
Rena Marraccini Dean's List
Katherine Marsden President's List / Dean's List
Caroline Marshall Dean's List
Samantha Marstall Dean's List
Allie Martin Dean's List
Jenna Martin President's List / Dean's List
Lindsay Martin Dean's List
Mabry Martin President's List / Dean's List
Taylor Martin Dean's List
Alyssa Massey Dean's List
Anna Mathis President's List / Dean's List
Shelby Mauldin President's List / Dean's List
Jonah Maupin President's List / Dean's List
Hannah Maurer President's List / Dean's List
Jacob McAlister President's List / Dean's List
Sara McAlister Dean's List
Price McAllister Dean's List
Eli McBeth President's List / Dean's List
Ella McCaffrey President's List / Dean's List
Kristen Mccall Dean's List
Wayne-Iesha McCray Dean's List
Anna McCurley Dean's List
Caroline McDonald President's List / Dean's List
Danielle McFalls Dean's List
William Mcgee Dean's List
Mia Mcgregor Dean's List
Kaley McGuire Dean's List
Rodney McKie Dean's List
Grace McKinley Dean's List
Elizabeth McSwain Dean's List
Cecelia McWhirt Dean's List
Olivia Mehalick Dean's List
Molly Melichar President's List / Dean's List
Molly Menton Dean's List
Madison Merkel President's List / Dean's List
Katherine Merritt Dean's List
Sarah Merritt Dean's List
Grace Migliazza Dean's List
Juliette Mille President's List / Dean's List
Grace Miller President's List / Dean's List
Haley Miller Dean's List
Kaylin Miller Dean's List
Tara Miller President's List / Dean's List
Rachel Mims Dean's List
Chloe Minick Dean's List
Cagnee Minick Dean's List
Nikole Misage Dean's List
Emma Moen Dean's List
Alyssa Mojica President's List / Dean's List
Abigail Monegan Dean's List
Melissa Moore Dean's List
Laura Mora Dean's List
Lauren Morelli President's List / Dean's List
Ashley Morrell Dean's List
Ashley Morris Dean's List
Mary Morton Dean's List
Elijah Moss President's List / Dean's List
Callie Mudger Dean's List
Anna Mularz President's List / Dean's List
Meghan Muldoon Dean's List
English Murray Dean's List
Joseph Murray Dean's List
Alexandra Myers Dean's List
Derek Myers President's List / Dean's List
Elizabeth Myers Dean's List
Natalie Myers Dean's List
Katherine Nelson Dean's List
Phung Nguyen President's List / Dean's List
Ally Nielsen Dean's List
Shawn Nies Dean's List
Carley Norman President's List / Dean's List
Rachel Northup Dean's List
Daisy Noyola President's List / Dean's List
Ryleigh O'Connor Dean's List
Merideth O'Donnell President's List / Dean's List
Samantha Orebaugh Dean's List
Joey Ormon President's List / Dean's List
Stephanie Ornduff Dean's List
Therese Orsini President's List / Dean's List
Angelique Ortega Dean's List
Grace O Sullivan Dean's List
Ashley Owens Dean's List
Dionna Parker President's List / Dean's List
Khushi Patel Dean's List
Naiyaben Patel Dean's List
Jenna Patterson Dean's List
Mary Patton President's List / Dean's List
Mary Payne Dean's List
Chloe Pean President's List / Dean's List
Ella-Marie Pedersen Dean's List
Caleigh Peed Dean's List
Margaret Perry President's List / Dean's List
Molly Pettus President's List / Dean's List
Mary Philpot Dean's List
Laurel Pilkington President's List / Dean's List
Mary Catherine Pilla President's List / Dean's List
Sydney Pillion President's List / Dean's List
Lindsey Pirhalla Dean's List
Erica Placencia Dean's List
Lauren Plyler Dean's List
Audrey Polizzi President's List / Dean's List
Dana Pollina President's List / Dean's List
Lauren Pompilio President's List / Dean's List
Bridget Porkert Dean's List
Cannon Porter Dean's List
Talia Porzio President's List / Dean's List
Kaitlyn Potter Dean's List
Caroline Powers Dean's List
Claire Powers President's List / Dean's List
Kayla Pray Dean's List
Ashlee Pringle Dean's List
Hailey Priscoe President's List / Dean's List
Danielle Przybylski Dean's List
Logan Purdum Dean's List
Morgan Rabineau Dean's List
Julia Race Dean's List
Olivia Radwell President's List / Dean's List
Haraudkoemar Ramdhani Dean's List
Ella Rapchinski President's List / Dean's List
Lily Ratliff Dean's List
Allison Rauls Dean's List
Julia Raykovicz Dean's List
Aishah Reed Dean's List
Keevyn Reese President's List / Dean's List
Keating Reichel President's List / Dean's List
Tiffany Reuss President's List / Dean's List
Lindsey Rhoad President's List / Dean's List
Abigail Rhoads Dean's List
Ashlyn Richardson Dean's List
Hailey Richardson Dean's List
Olivia Riggins President's List / Dean's List
Avery Risinger Dean's List
Kaitlyn Rivera President's List / Dean's List
Genna Rivers President's List / Dean's List
Lauren Roberts Dean's List
Emily Robinson President's List / Dean's List
Herodutus Rodriguez Dean's List
Victoria Roe President's List / Dean's List
John Rogers Dean's List
Megan Rolison President's List / Dean's List
Siara Rose Dean's List
Donna Ross Dean's List
Grace Rothman Dean's List
Palmer Rowan Dean's List
Giselle Rubio Dean's List
Amelia Ruffer Dean's List
Lauren Russell President's List / Dean's List
Madison Russo President's List / Dean's List
Alexandria Rutledge Dean's List
Megan Ryan Dean's List
Emma Salerno Dean's List
Ana Sallurday President's List / Dean's List
Mackenzie Salmon Dean's List
Hindle Sarvis President's List / Dean's List
Melanie Saunders Dean's List
Jordyn Savarese President's List / Dean's List
Bailee Sawyer President's List / Dean's List
Kaya Sayers President's List / Dean's List
Gavin Scarano President's List / Dean's List
Lilly Schaefer Dean's List
Molly Schaubroeck Dean's List
Camille Schnobrich President's List / Dean's List
Kayla Schoff President's List / Dean's List
Lauren Schott President's List / Dean's List
Jordyn Schroeder Dean's List
Katherine Schuerger President's List / Dean's List
Kaitlin Schultz Dean's List
Alexandra Schwarz Dean's List
Autumn Scott President's List / Dean's List
Lauren Scott Dean's List
Alexandra Scottino President's List / Dean's List
Linda Sell President's List / Dean's List
Avamaria Sepe Dean's List
Anabella Serafini Dean's List
Rianon Sercu President's List / Dean's List
Caroline Shakar Dean's List
Sarah Sham Dean's List
Olivia Sherwood President's List / Dean's List
Whitney Shirey President's List / Dean's List
Amanda Sienicki Dean's List
Hannah Silton Dean's List
Joana Dorothy Silvano President's List / Dean's List
Addisen Simpson President's List / Dean's List
Brianna Simpson Dean's List
Kylie Sims President's List / Dean's List
Clara Smith Dean's List
Elizabeth Smith President's List / Dean's List
Ella Smith President's List / Dean's List
Sidney Smith President's List / Dean's List
Sophie Smith Dean's List
Lily Snyder Dean's List
Bailey Sohn Dean's List
Danielle Sorg President's List / Dean's List
Savannah South Dean's List
Nancy Speaks Dean's List
Ribecca Sperry Dean's List
Alexandra Spires Dean's List
Emily Spychalski President's List / Dean's List
Kelsey Stallman Dean's List
Hannah Stalls Dean's List
Emily Stange President's List / Dean's List
Joshua Staple Dean's List
Lillian Steck President's List / Dean's List
Kaitlin Stefanac Dean's List
Emily Stein Dean's List
Abigale Sterling President's List / Dean's List
Nicholas Stiles Dean's List
Caitlyn Stockman President's List / Dean's List
Quinn Stoppard President's List / Dean's List
Riley Stumpp Dean's List
Savannah Suddreth President's List / Dean's List
Aiden Sullivan Dean's List
Georgia Sullivan Dean's List
Allison Sundius Dean's List
Alexis Sutton President's List / Dean's List
Sarah Sutton Dean's List
Erin Sweat President's List / Dean's List
Callie Sweatt Dean's List
Madelyn Sweet Dean's List
Allison Swinton President's List / Dean's List
Jenna Syslo Dean's List
Emma Szabo President's List / Dean's List
Madison Taggart Dean's List
Jordan Talley President's List / Dean's List
Alyssa Talmo President's List / Dean's List
Karlyn Taylor President's List / Dean's List
Chase Teal President's List / Dean's List
Ashley Tellinger President's List / Dean's List
Ella Mei Temples President's List / Dean's List
Caroline Thomas Dean's List
Emma Thomerson Dean's List
Madison Tiago Dean's List
Katherine Tibaldi Dean's List
Michael Tiesing Dean's List
Savannah Timmons Dean's List
Alli Tolbert Dean's List
Mia Tommasone President's List / Dean's List
Gianna Torinese Dean's List
Jenezhia Kate Torrente Dean's List
Cayden Torsberg President's List / Dean's List
Natalie Trimble Dean's List
Sophie Truchon Dean's List
Ashiah Tryban President's List / Dean's List
Sophia Tsoupros Dean's List
Lucille Turner Dean's List
Alyssa Uhr Dean's List
Varsha Upadhyay Dean's List
Jenna Uva President's List / Dean's List
Kennedy Vacca President's List / Dean's List
Nina Van Blarcom President's List / Dean's List
Kaitlyn Vellanti Dean's List
Daniela Villamarin-Mendo President's List / Dean's List
Rogan Vincent President's List / Dean's List
Haven Vines Dean's List
Jesalyn Vinkemulder President's List / Dean's List
Clyne Viray Dean's List
Veronica Vodola Dean's List
Jacqueline Vorhauer President's List / Dean's List
Turner Waddill Dean's List
Josie Wadsworth Dean's List
Maxime Waiters Dean's List
Vanessa Wales President's List / Dean's List
Layla Walkaraj Dean's List
Neaysha Walker President's List / Dean's List
Tayla Walker Dean's List
Chloe Walsh Dean's List
Elizabeth Walsh President's List / Dean's List
Makayla Walters Dean's List
Ava Wannemacher President's List / Dean's List
Addington Warley President's List / Dean's List
Amerie Washington Dean's List
Avery Weaver Dean's List
Ryann Weaver President's List / Dean's List
Anna Webster Dean's List
Laurel Wedemeyer President's List / Dean's List
Roary Weis President's List / Dean's List
Riley Westmoreland Dean's List
Katherine Whisler Dean's List
Raven Whitner Dean's List
Kiara Wilkins Dean's List
Erin Wilkinson President's List / Dean's List
Sarah Willard Dean's List
Chante' Williams Dean's List
Elizabeth Williams Dean's List
Jalen Williams Dean's List
Madeline Williams Dean's List
Paige Williams President's List / Dean's List
De'Nya Williamson Dean's List
Gianna Williamson Dean's List
Emily Wills Dean's List
Anna Wilson Dean's List
Margaret Wilson President's List / Dean's List
Morgan Wilson President's List / Dean's List
Savanna Wingard President's List / Dean's List
Kristen Wixey President's List / Dean's List
Kayla Wohleber President's List / Dean's List
Olivia Wolverton President's List / Dean's List
Emily Woo Dean's List
Elizabeth Wood President's List / Dean's List
Kaitlyn Wood Dean's List
Peyton Woods Dean's List
Megan Woody Dean's List
Mary Woolley President's List / Dean's List
Sydney Worswick Dean's List
Madeline Wrubel President's List / Dean's List
Kaitlin Young Dean's List
Rebecca Zeigler President's List / Dean's List
Abigail Zielinski Dean's List
Alexandria Zimmer President's List / Dean's List
Mia Zimmerman Dean's List

Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.