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College of Nursing

  • upper division students

Gamecock Nursing Students Lead Campus Return

This summer, nursing students returned to campus to begin their upper division nursing program. As part of UofSC’s three-phased return plan, the College of Nursing was among a select few Health Science programs to transition back to face-to-face instruction.

“We are proud to be leaders in the UofSC community with the return of our students. As nurses, we are the most trusted health professionals in the world, and role modeling safe and preventative measures are vital."

 Dean Jeannette Andrews 

Friends and family usually celebrate the exciting start of upper division at the college’s in-person stethoscope ceremony. Instead, the student services team adapted by planning a Zoom stethoscope ceremony and streaming it live on Facebook. Friends and family from all over the country cheered on the future nurses virtually.

Critical planning took place among the college’s leadership to ensure a safe and healthy environment for faculty, staff, students, and the patients students would treat in their clinicals. “We set up CDC approved social distance measures in our classrooms, our stairwells were marked to avoid crossing traffic, and students wore face coverings at all times in our building and throughout campus,” said Kate Chappell, coordinator of clinical education. She continued to share, “Students monitored symptoms daily and participated in classes live online if any potential COVID-19 symptoms occur. Within the hospitals for clinical rotations, students were treated like employees and followed individual hospital COVID-19 safety measures.” Faculty teaching face-to-face were confident the safety policies would not curtail student learning. “In addition to in-person classes, we recorded each lecture so that students could review the live sessions for more review help. We were available for virtual meetings and study help as needed,” says Joy Jackson, assistant professor.

While the campus may look and feel different this year, nursing students are eager to learn and excel. “As with all things in the College of Nursing, we strive for excellence in all we do. We have a tradition of producing high quality and competent nurses who are strong leaders and advocates, and we will continue that tradition,” Dean Andrews shares.

Expanded Safety Measures:
  • CDC approved social distance measures in our classrooms
  • Stairwells are marked to avoid crossing traffic
  • Students wear face coverings at all times in our building and throughout campus
  • Students monitor symptoms daily and participate in classes live online if any potential COVID-19 symptoms occur
  • If symptoms present, students notify our Executive Director of Student Affairs
  • Within the hospitals for clinical rotations, students follow individual hospital COVID-19 safety measures
  • During close contact situations such as clinical and lab sessions, students are wearing medical grade masks to have the right level of protection from anyone who is asymptomatic but could be unknowingly infectious

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