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College of Nursing

  • Adalin Quigley, left, and Daniella Kucherina, right, with their sister at Quigley's graduation.

    In the Family

    Adalin Quigley, left, and Daniella Kucherina, right, with their sister at Quigley's graduation.

A Legacy of Nursing

Nursing runs in the family for Daniella Kucherina, a senior student in the BSN program at South Carolina. Her mother, who emigrated from Russia, studied nursing while raising a young family. It was her mother’s dedication that helped inspire Daniella to become a nurse herself.

“Watching my mom study endless nights at books a million and then coming home and telling me all the interesting stories about her patients really inspired me to want to work in the nursing field,” Daniella said.

Daniella wasn’t the only one inspired by her mother, nor is she the only Gamecock nurse; Daniella’s sister, Adalin Quigley, earned her BSN from UofSC in 2016. Adalin’s experiences at UofSC helped solidify Daniella’s desire to become a nurse.

“Around the age of eleven, I became very interested since my mom was studying in school. But it wasn’t until my older sister got into upper division at USC that I realized I, too, really wanted to pursue a career in nursing.”

Going through the same nursing program has resulted in shared experiences and adjustments. Daniella joked that the sisters both gave up their social lives for studying, though the payoff in the end is worth it. Having a family member who knows exactly what she’s going through has helped keep Daniella motivated and provided much-needed support.

And nothing compares to the shared pride in being Gamecock nurses. 

“I feel very proud to have my older sister graduate from a nationally well-known nursing school! And it encourages me to know that if she was able to get through all of this, I know I definitely can, too.” 

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