Congratulations to the following CON students who made the fall 2019 Dean's and President's Lists. The Dean's List recognizes undergraduate students with a grade point average of 3.50 or higher earned on a minimum of 12 credited semester hours. The President's List recognizes undergraduate students with a grade point average of 4.00 earned on a minimum of 12 credited semester hours.
First Name | Last Name | Honor |
Nissy | Abraham | President's List |
Julia | Adams | Dean's List |
Samantha | Addis | Dean's List |
Willa | Ale | Dean's List |
Elisabeth | Allen | Dean's List |
Alexandra | Ambrosecchia | Dean's List |
Kathryn | Andersen | President's List |
Lindsay | Anderson | Dean's List |
Kayla | Anderson | President's List |
Laurel | Anderson | President's List |
Corinne | Arbogast | Dean's List |
Hannah | Argame | President's List |
Casey | Armand | President's List |
Gwenyth | Asbury | President's List |
Ashlynn | Atkins | Dean's List |
Tina | Atkinson | Dean's List |
Marissa | Baca | Dean's List |
Ruth | Baggett | Dean's List |
Aubrey | Bailey | Dean's List |
Brooklyn | Bailey | President's List |
Leah | Balaska | Dean's List |
Emily | Banning | Dean's List |
Kelsey | Barnes | Dean's List |
Pawley | Barnes | Dean's List |
Elisabeth | Barnett | President's List |
Rachel | Barr | President's List |
Kathryn | Barrett | President's List |
Lauren | Barschow | President's List |
Dallas | Bass | President's List |
Karis | Bass | President's List |
Elissa | Baum | Dean's List |
Jessica | Bauman | Dean's List |
Kendall | Baumrucker | Dean's List |
Christopher | Beacham | Dean's List |
Kendal | Beacham | Dean's List |
Olivia | Beckner | President's List |
Samantha | Begin | President's List |
Andrew | Belanger | President's List |
Alexa | Bennett | President's List |
Madeline | Benton | President's List |
Hannah | Berghoff | Dean's List |
Grace | Berghoff | President's List |
Mary | Bethea | Dean's List |
Emily | Birish | President's List |
Alexis | Blackwell | Dean's List |
Carley | Blackwell | Dean's List |
Katelyn | Blackwell | President's List |
Diana | Blair | President's List |
Abby | Blaney | President's List |
Malena | Blankenship | President's List |
Isabella | Block | Dean's List |
Madison | Bogtong | President's List |
Avery | Bolen | Dean's List |
Gabriel | Bolivar | Dean's List |
Madison | Bond | Dean's List |
Brookelyn | Boston | Dean's List |
Sophia | Bowden | Dean's List |
Makayla | Bowen | Dean's List |
Gage | Bowman | Dean's List |
Samantha | Boyle | Dean's List |
Alexis | Bozard | Dean's List |
Kelly | Bradford | Dean's List |
Sarah | Briggs | Dean's List |
Carly | Brinks | Dean's List |
Allison | Brown | Dean's List |
Lucas | Brown | Dean's List |
Taylor | Brown | Dean's List |
Katherine | Browning | Dean's List |
Arielle | Bruecken | President's List |
Rylee | Bruno | Dean's List |
Jordan | Burkey | Dean's List |
Jamie | Burnett | Dean's List |
Sarah | Burris | Dean's List |
Kathryn | Burry | Dean's List |
Megan | Buyak | President's List |
Claire | Byer | Dean's List |
Baileigh | Byrd | Dean's List |
Kelly | Byrne | Dean's List |
Ethan Alec | Calderon | President's List |
Shawneyah | Capers | President's List |
Anna | Capin | President's List |
Cassandra | Capocelli | President's List |
Mikayla | Carman | President's List |
Micah | Caughman | Dean's List |
Timothy | Cegielski | Dean's List |
Lu | Chen | Dean's List |
Haley | Chipman | Dean's List |
Catherine | Christensen | Dean's List |
Sydney | Clark | President's List |
Alexandra | Clifton | President's List |
Elissia | Cofresi-Horlback | Dean's List |
Elizabeth | Cole | Dean's List |
Rebecca | Collins | President's List |
Sarah | Collins | President's List |
Maria | Como | Dean's List |
Sophia | Cong | Dean's List |
Susan | Conley | President's List |
Reagan | Conn | Dean's List |
Shelby | Conner | Dean's List |
Abigail | Connolly | Dean's List |
Jonathan | Cook | Dean's List |
Madison | Cook | Dean's List |
Morgan | Cooper | Dean's List |
Emma | Corner | Dean's List |
Peyton | Cox | Dean's List |
Michelle | Coyle | Dean's List |
Addison | Creech | Dean's List |
Ashley | Crim | President's List |
Madelyn | Crispin | President's List |
Hannah | Crounse | Dean's List |
Kathleen | Culclasure | Dean's List |
Krista | Curley | Dean's List |
Sydney | Cutter | Dean's List |
Anna | Dabney | President's List |
Colleen | Daly | Dean's List |
Chloe | Dawson | Dean's List |
Marina | de Sousa | President's List |
Gillian | Dean | President's List |
Aubrey | Dearstine | Dean's List |
Ashlin | Deatherage | Dean's List |
Kylie | Deem | Dean's List |
Sydney | Delamater | Dean's List |
Mary Rose | DePont | Dean's List |
Kate | Deriso | Dean's List |
Emma | Desrocher | Dean's List |
Cassidy | Dickey | Dean's List |
Susan | Dickson | Dean's List |
Madeleine | DiFusco | Dean's List |
Mackenzie | Dooney | President's List |
Cassie | Dorr | Dean's List |
Grace | Driscoll | Dean's List |
Maryellen | DuBois | Dean's List |
Hannah | DuCharme | Dean's List |
Mary Claire | Duncan | Dean's List |
Rebecca | Duncan | Dean's List |
Rebecca | Dundon | Dean's List |
Kelly | Earle | Dean's List |
Benjamin | Eaves | Dean's List |
Jillian | Eberson | Dean's List |
Elizabeth | Eddy | President's List |
Jasmine | Elam | Dean's List |
Emma | Epperly | President's List |
Madisyn | Eppleman | President's List |
Emma | Epps | Dean's List |
Karly | Estabrook | Dean's List |
Mary | Ethridge | Dean's List |
Sophia | Evangelista | President's List |
Kristina | Fain | President's List |
Makayla | Fair | Dean's List |
Jelsy | Fajardo | Dean's List |
Rebecca | Fanta | Dean's List |
Grace | Farrell | President's List |
Catherine | Faulkner | Dean's List |
Katharine | Fawcett | President's List |
Erin | Fay | Dean's List |
Camille | Fendley | Dean's List |
Alyson | Ferrara | Dean's List |
Ellie | Feuerstein | Dean's List |
Hannah | Fischer | Dean's List |
Katelyn | Flaherty | Dean's List |
Gillian | Fleming | Dean's List |
Alissa | Foley | Dean's List |
Nicole | Foley | President's List |
Keegan | Ford | President's List |
Mckayla | Forman | President's List |
Lauren | Foster | Dean's List |
Sierra | Foster | President's List |
Abbey | Franklin | Dean's List |
Anamarie | Fuchs | Dean's List |
Courtney | Fuller | President's List |
Hayleigh | Fulmer | Dean's List |
Taylor | Galgano | Dean's List |
Lili | Garcia | President's List |
Marianne | Garcia-Alonso | Dean's List |
Carly | Gardner | Dean's List |
Jenna | Gardner | Dean's List |
Marissa | Geberth | Dean's List |
Allyson | Geiger | Dean's List |
Julia | Gervais | Dean's List |
Samantha | Ghaul | President's List |
Constance | Gianakopoulos | President's List |
Hannah | Gibbs | President's List |
Madison | Gilbert | President's List |
Jamiah | Gilliam | Dean's List |
Sophia | Gilliam | Dean's List |
Regan | Girardeau | Dean's List |
Kristen | Gload | Dean's List |
Danielle | Goater | Dean's List |
Hannah | Golden | Dean's List |
Kennedy | Golden | Dean's List |
Natasha | Gomez | Dean's List |
Grace | Goodley | Dean's List |
Callie | Graham | Dean's List |
Emily | Granger | Dean's List |
Regan | Grant | Dean's List |
Emily | Gray | Dean's List |
Hannah | Graybill | President's List |
Sarah | Greenwood | Dean's List |
Lydia | Gross | Dean's List |
Hannah | Groves | President's List |
Elizabeth | Gudis | Dean's List |
Sarah | Gunderson | President's List |
Gabrielle | Hall | Dean's List |
Bryanna | Hansen | Dean's List |
Chloe | Hansen | Dean's List |
Kaelyn | Hansen | Dean's List |
Ta'Layla | Harper | President's List |
Lindsay | Harris | President's List |
Sarah | Hartnett | President's List |
Emily | Hayes | President's List |
Jennifer | He | President's List |
Taylor | Headley | Dean's List |
Tiara | Hebron | Dean's List |
Kendall | Heflin | President's List |
Marianna | Heid | Dean's List |
Abigail | Henderson | Dean's List |
Lillian | Hensiek | Dean's List |
Graycen | Hess | Dean's List |
Aubrey | Hetland | Dean's List |
Duncan | Hewitt | Dean's List |
Logan | Hierholzer | Dean's List |
Lucy | Hilldrup | Dean's List |
Daniel | Hinshaw | Dean's List |
Aileen | Hoffmann Atwater | Dean's List |
Elizabeth | Holland | Dean's List |
Harrison | Homan | Dean's List |
Cassidy | Hook | President's List |
Lauren | Hopkinson | Dean's List |
Claire | Hotchkin | President's List |
Sarah | Hudson | Dean's List |
Haley | Huffstetler | Dean's List |
Alexandra | Hughes | President's List |
Dalton | Hughes | President's List |
Jessica | Humphries | Dean's List |
Hayley | Hunter | Dean's List |
Kelly | Hurford | President's List |
Emily | Hutchison | Dean's List |
Koji | Ishimori | President's List |
Kelsey | James | Dean's List |
Maeve | Jarvis | Dean's List |
Jenna | Jeffcoat | President's List |
Calista | Jenkins | Dean's List |
Elliott | Jerideau | Dean's List |
Xinbei | Jiang | Dean's List |
Janeya | Johnson | Dean's List |
Merryn | Johnson | Dean's List |
Caitlynn | Johnson | President's List |
Natalie | Johnson | President's List |
Madison | Johnston | President's List |
Charlotte | Jones | Dean's List |
Jenna | Jones | Dean's List |
Savannah | Jones | Dean's List |
Sydney | Jones | Dean's List |
Rebecca | Jordan | Dean's List |
Alejandra | Jordan | President's List |
Amanda | Kabealo | Dean's List |
Lauren | Kasko | Dean's List |
Kendall | Kazimar | President's List |
Rachel | Keisler | Dean's List |
Shannon | Kelly | Dean's List |
Delaney | Kennedy | Dean's List |
Justine | Kenny | President's List |
Caelie | Kerns | President's List |
Lauren | Key | President's List |
Nadia | Kianian | Dean's List |
Caroline | Kilbourne | Dean's List |
Katelin | Killman | President's List |
Sara | King | President's List |
Emma | Klipstein | Dean's List |
Bailey | Klouser | Dean's List |
Hayden | Kolling | Dean's List |
Madison | Koppe | Dean's List |
Brooke | Kovach | Dean's List |
Emily | Krantz | Dean's List |
Brendan | Kreag | Dean's List |
Daniella | Kucherina | Dean's List |
Abigail | Kuehl | President's List |
Sidney | Kull | Dean's List |
Lana | Kuykendall | President's List |
Mackenzie | Kuzy | Dean's List |
Samuel | Kwasnaza | Dean's List |
Kora | Ladino | Dean's List |
Sofia | Lagares | Dean's List |
Anna | Lage | President's List |
Hailey | Lamar | Dean's List |
Raegan | Landrum | Dean's List |
Grace | Lang | Dean's List |
Andrew | Larsen | Dean's List |
Kimberly | Larson | Dean's List |
Grace | Laughlin | Dean's List |
Brenna | Laverty | Dean's List |
Lindsay | Ledbetter | Dean's List |
Elise | Lee | Dean's List |
Hollyn | Lee | Dean's List |
Ella | Lemieux | Dean's List |
Laney | Lenz | President's List |
Hannah | Lindsey | Dean's List |
Caroline | Lipscomb | Dean's List |
Calista | Litke | Dean's List |
Bradley | Little | Dean's List |
Maggie | Lockhart | Dean's List |
Madison | Lomas | President's List |
Emmeline | Lopez | Dean's List |
Taylor | Lovgren | President's List |
Lauren | Lowe | Dean's List |
Breyonda | Lowery | Dean's List |
Joshua | Loy | Dean's List |
Lauren | Lucas | Dean's List |
Savannah | Lucas | President's List |
Hannah | Lutz | President's List |
Cecilia | MacDonald | Dean's List |
Alexa | Mack | Dean's List |
Emma | Macloskie | Dean's List |
Hannah | Madarang | Dean's List |
Sydney | Madonna | Dean's List |
Audrey | Magin | President's List |
Sophia | Mahon | Dean's List |
Hannah | Mahoney | President's List |
Vy | Mai | Dean's List |
Sarah | Mallon | President's List |
Allaisha | Manigault | President's List |
Madelaine | Manke | Dean's List |
Hannah | Manley | President's List |
Cliff Ervin | Mapula | President's List |
Kathryne | Marion | Dean's List |
Briana | Marler | Dean's List |
Courtney | Marr | Dean's List |
Katherine | Marsden | President's List |
Jessica | Martin | Dean's List |
Lauren | Martin | Dean's List |
Lindsay | Martin | Dean's List |
Taylor | Martin | Dean's List |
Jenna | Martin | President's List |
Olivia | Mascitti | Dean's List |
Kate | Masih | Dean's List |
Kathleen | Mattox | President's List |
Hannah | Maurer | President's List |
Katherine | May | Dean's List |
Elor | Mayan | Dean's List |
Adrianna | McAbee | Dean's List |
Kayleigh | McArdle | Dean's List |
Molly | McArdle | Dean's List |
Anna | McCurley | Dean's List |
Caroline | McDonald | President's List |
Madison | McDonald | President's List |
Marley | McDonnough | Dean's List |
Dillon | McDowell | Dean's List |
Mallory | McGee | Dean's List |
K'Nayshia | Mcgill | Dean's List |
Amanda | McGowan | Dean's List |
Shaylee | McGuinness | Dean's List |
Madeline | McInnis | President's List |
Mae | McKenna | Dean's List |
Rodney | McKie | Dean's List |
Kalina | McLaughlin | Dean's List |
Allison | McLeod | Dean's List |
Marissa | McNary | Dean's List |
Futrella | McNeill | Dean's List |
Cecelia | McWhirt | President's List |
Paige | Meade | Dean's List |
Hadley | Meckes | Dean's List |
Sydney | Medeiros | Dean's List |
Krystina | Michalos | Dean's List |
Mallory | Mikolajczyk | Dean's List |
Jessie | Miles | Dean's List |
Grace | Miller | Dean's List |
Haley | Miller | Dean's List |
Tara | Miller | Dean's List |
Rachel | Mims | Dean's List |
Molly | Mitchell | Dean's List |
Erin | Mitchell | President's List |
Lauren | Mitchelli | Dean's List |
Abigail | Monegan | President's List |
Eadon | Moody | President's List |
Grace | Mook | President's List |
Emily | Moonan | Dean's List |
Melissa | Moore | President's List |
Margaret | Moreland | Dean's List |
Elijah | Moss | President's List |
Anna | Mularz | President's List |
Payton | Mull | Dean's List |
Caitlyn | Mullen | Dean's List |
Elena | Mulligan | Dean's List |
Halie | Nascimbeni | Dean's List |
Maryah | Nasir | Dean's List |
Kiersten | Nelson | Dean's List |
Taylor | Newton | Dean's List |
Thien | Nguyen | Dean's List |
Mary | Nichols | Dean's List |
Allison | Nichting | President's List |
Ally | Nielsen | Dean's List |
Christopher | Nitz | Dean's List |
Hailey | Nix | Dean's List |
Avery | Nociti | Dean's List |
Carley | Norman | Dean's List |
Daisy | Noyola | President's List |
Jane | O'Donnell | Dean's List |
Annalisa | O'Farrell | Dean's List |
Heather | Oleksiw | Dean's List |
Stephanie | Ornduff | President's List |
Isabel | Ortiz | Dean's List |
Haley | Owens | Dean's List |
Kaylin | Owens | Dean's List |
Hannah | Parker | Dean's List |
James | Parker | Dean's List |
Jazlyn | Parker | Dean's List |
Sara | Parker | Dean's List |
Callie | Parsons | Dean's List |
Samantha | Paske | President's List |
Lauren | Patrick | President's List |
Caroline | Payne | Dean's List |
Mary | Payne | Dean's List |
Georgia | Peaden | Dean's List |
Lydia | Pearl | Dean's List |
Lilly | Pedapolu | President's List |
Katherine | Pelkey | Dean's List |
Samantha | Perkins | Dean's List |
Ryan | Petela | Dean's List |
Madison | Pierce | President's List |
Juliet | Pioli | Dean's List |
Karylann | Pippin | Dean's List |
Kendall | Pocisk | Dean's List |
Aisling | Ponzo | Dean's List |
Madeline | Poplin | Dean's List |
Josie | Posma | Dean's List |
Aimee | Poulin | Dean's List |
Caroline | Powers | Dean's List |
Elizabeth | Powers | Dean's List |
Anna | Pribyl | President's List |
Creighlyn | Price | Dean's List |
Anna | Prince | President's List |
Kaylee | Purucker | Dean's List |
Casey | Quirk | President's List |
Kathryn | Rabune | President's List |
Olivia | Radwell | Dean's List |
Lauren | Raines | Dean's List |
Taylor | Rappoccio-Icaza | Dean's List |
Leighton | Rapps | Dean's List |
Lily | Ratliff | Dean's List |
Darby | Reed | Dean's List |
Michal | Reed | Dean's List |
Bailey | Reeves | President's List |
Rachel | Reposa | Dean's List |
Tiffany | Reuss | Dean's List |
Carley | Reynolds | Dean's List |
Aubrey | Rickard | Dean's List |
Ronella | Riley | Dean's List |
Genna | Rivers | President's List |
Alexandra | Rizza | Dean's List |
Sydney | Robbins | Dean's List |
Whitney | Roberts | Dean's List |
Ashley | Rohde | Dean's List |
Emma | Rokosky | Dean's List |
Sarah | Rooks | Dean's List |
Donna | Ross | Dean's List |
Savannah | Rubeiz | Dean's List |
Julianna | Rublev | Dean's List |
Jaqueline | Ruiz-Mora | Dean's List |
Anna | Russell | President's List |
Madison | Russo | President's List |
Rebekah | Rutherford | Dean's List |
Rebecca | Ryman | Dean's List |
Valerie | Samon | Dean's List |
Genevieve | Sanders | President's List |
Hope | Savage | President's List |
Tradd | Saxton | Dean's List |
Jacqueline | Schaefer | Dean's List |
Molly | Schaubroeck | Dean's List |
Kaitlinn | Schinzel | Dean's List |
Kayla | Schoff | President's List |
Jordyn | Schroeder | Dean's List |
Brynn | Schuebel | Dean's List |
Katherine | Schuerger | Dean's List |
Haley | Schumann | Dean's List |
Christina | Schweitzer | Dean's List |
Faith | Scirpo | President's List |
Jamya | Scott | Dean's List |
Timber | Scott | Dean's List |
Julia | Seery | Dean's List |
Hannah | Shappard | President's List |
Meredith | Sharpe | President's List |
Olivia | Shorter | Dean's List |
Kamiya | Shosan | Dean's List |
Joanna | Sikorska Rueda | Dean's List |
Alexis | Slaughter | Dean's List |
Madeline | Smink | President's List |
Annie | Smith | Dean's List |
Betty | Smith | Dean's List |
Cameron | Smith | Dean's List |
Davia | Smith | Dean's List |
Emily | Smith | Dean's List |
Emily | Smith | Dean's List |
Jacquelyn | Smith | Dean's List |
Rachel | Smith | Dean's List |
Sidney | Smith | Dean's List |
Cody | Smith | President's List |
Loribeth | Smith | President's List |
Renee | Smith | President's List |
Matthew | Snipes | President's List |
Jessica | Soares | President's List |
Mollie | Solomon | Dean's List |
Tina | Sorensen | President's List |
Riley | Specht | Dean's List |
Becca | Spell | Dean's List |
Emily | Spychalski | Dean's List |
Margaret | St. John | Dean's List |
Brianna | Stamps | Dean's List |
Brittney | Staton | Dean's List |
Emily | Stein | Dean's List |
Curry | Stephens | Dean's List |
Abbi | Sterner | Dean's List |
Taylor | Stevens | President's List |
Elisabeth | Stockley | President's List |
Christina | Storch | Dean's List |
Kaitlin | Streett | Dean's List |
Kira | Strother | Dean's List |
Leah | Strothers | President's List |
Mary-Baylus | Suggs | Dean's List |
Colby | Summers | Dean's List |
Allison | Sundius | Dean's List |
Samantha | Sweeney | Dean's List |
Emma | Szabo | Dean's List |
Laura | Tautkus | Dean's List |
Karlyn | Taylor | President's List |
Noah | Taylor | President's List |
Lindsey | Teal | President's List |
Ava | Thimsen | Dean's List |
Brynley | Thomas | Dean's List |
Chrislyn | Thompson | Dean's List |
Emily | Thurmond | President's List |
Katherine | Tibaldi | President's List |
Alexis | Todd | Dean's List |
Kassidy | Todd | President's List |
Gina | Toffoli | Dean's List |
Kelsey | Traub | Dean's List |
Anna | Traynham | Dean's List |
Rachel | Trout | President's List |
Gracen | Tucker | Dean's List |
Shannon | Tully | Dean's List |
Danielle | Tuzzio | Dean's List |
Marina | Uhrich | Dean's List |
Lillianne | Usher | Dean's List |
Ellen | Vail | President's List |
Nina | Van Blarcom | President's List |
Joanna | Van Valkenburgh | President's List |
Autumn | Vanderhorst | Dean's List |
Brittany | Vaught | Dean's List |
Claire | Vecchioni | Dean's List |
Hannah | Veith | Dean's List |
Bethany | Villanti | Dean's List |
Haven | Vines | Dean's List |
Alexis | Wack | President's List |
Josie | Wadsworth | Dean's List |
Kensey | Wallace | Dean's List |
Elizabeth | Walsh | Dean's List |
Makayla | Walters | Dean's List |
Emma | Wapshott | President's List |
Madison | Ward | Dean's List |
Lindsey | Warko | Dean's List |
Cheyenne | Warren | Dean's List |
Ava | Warren | President's List |
Claire | Washburn | Dean's List |
Alexis | Washington | Dean's List |
Tiffany | Watson | Dean's List |
Caroline | Waxman | President's List |
Caitlynn | Way | President's List |
Mckenleigh | Webster | Dean's List |
Christina | Whaley | President's List |
Shannon | White | President's List |
Erin | Wilkinson | Dean's List |
Sarah | Willard | Dean's List |
Brittany | Williams | Dean's List |
Jada | Williams | Dean's List |
Emily | Wills | Dean's List |
Mandy | Wilson | Dean's List |
Anna | Wilson | President's List |
Abigail | Wiren | Dean's List |
Meredith | Witherell | Dean's List |
Kristen | Wixey | President's List |
Gentry | Wogon | President's List |
Ansley | Wolters | Dean's List |
Elizabeth | Wood | President's List |
Wallace | Woods | Dean's List |
Megan | Woody | Dean's List |
Brianne | Wright | Dean's List |
Madison | Wright | Dean's List |
Julia | Wright | President's List |
Madison | Wright | President's List |
Alexis | Wynne | President's List |
Stephanie | Yano | Dean's List |
Emma | Yarborough | Dean's List |
Kelly | Yearous | Dean's List |
Rebecca | Zeigler | President's List |
Kaylee | Ziegel | Dean's List |
Caroline | Zook | Dean's List |
France | Zurenda | Dean's List |