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College of Nursing

Congratulations to our 2013 Alumni Award Winners


Eileen C. Leaphart, MN (‘75), BSN (‘71), RNC is our 2013 Outstanding Nurse Alumna.  She is a Clinical Associate Professor at the USC College of Nursing and is certified in Inpatient Obstetric Nursing and as a Perinatal Bereavement Counselor. She was a recipient of the SC Palmetto Gold Award in 2012 and currently serves as President of the Alpha Xi chapter of Sigma Theta Tau. A registered professional nurse for over 40 years and a nurse educator for over 25 years, Eileen has been a pioneer in advancing the nursing roles of certified OB nurses and OB Clinical Nurse Specialists. A scholar and an author of “Perinatal Bereavement” and “The Fourth Trimester”, she was the first chair of two national certification exams. She is an active member of the Lutheran Church and serves her community as a volunteer and advocate for many.

Lisa T. Williams, DNP (‘09), APRN, FNP-BC is our 2013 Outstanding Young Nurse Alumna.  She is currently the Family Nurse Practitioner at Eau Claire Cooperative Health Center. She is the owner and CEO of Assessments Unlimited, LLC, a free tutoring and mentoring service to nursing students. Active in many professional and civic organizations that include, the Delta Eta Chapter of Chi Eta Phi Sorority Inc., the SC Nurses Association, the Golden Key Honor Society, the SC One Voice One Plan Coalition and past vice-president of the Alpha Xi Chapter of Sigma Theta Tau. She was the recipient of the SC Palmetto Gold Award 2012, the Teaching Excellence Award 2011-2012, USC Mortar Board, and the Outstanding Undergraduate Teacher in 2011 at the USC College of Nursing. Active in her profession and in the community, Lisa is a sought after public speaker and writer. She serves on the editing board of Pepid Electronic Nursing Education literary endeavors.

Click here to view photos from the Viana McCown Event.  

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