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College of Nursing

Faculty and Staff

Crystal L. Murillo, PhD, RN, CHSE-A, ANEF, FAAN

Title: Assistant Professor
Department: Biobehavioral Health & Nursing Science
College of Nursing
Phone: 803-777-6533

College of Nursing 
University of South Carolina
1601 Greene Street, Room 630A
Columbia, SC 29208-4001 
United States

Featured In: Harvard Center for Medical Simulation Alumni Spotlight

Dr. Murillo has no projects that require assistance this semester but is potentially available to assist on a student’s project. 



Dr. Murillo received her ADN and AAS from Florence-Darlington Technical College in Florence, SC in 2006. She received her Bachelor of Science in Nursing from USC in 2009. Dr. Murillo received both her Master’s in Nursing Education (2011) and PhD (2016) from the Medical University of South Carolina in Charleston, SC. Her PhD area of emphasis during her tenure at MUSC was educational disparities particularly in underrepresented nursing students. 


N791 Seminar in Clinical Nursing Research
NURS 324 Chemical Therapeutics
NURS 318 Application of Pathophysiology and Pharmacology in Nursing
NURS 700 Theoretical and Conceptual Foundation for Nursing
Certified Healthcare Simulation Educator (CHSE)
Adjunct Faculty, Harvard Center for Medical Simulation

Invited Speaker

Bridging academics and practice connections using simulation: An SC initiative. National Academy of Medicine: Vital Directions for Health and Healthcare Symposium: The North Carolina Experience. Biotechnology Center, Durham, NC

Professional Service

Society for Simulation in Healthcare (SSH)
International Nursing Association for Clinical Simulation and Learning (INACSL)
National League for Nursing
Sigma Theta Tau International
National Black Nurses’ Association
South Carolina Nursing Education Simulation Alliance (SCNESA)

Research Studies

Experiliean: A collaboration between academia and practice to improve the lives of patients in this state. Duke Endowment. 2018 – 2021. $590,000. Principal Investigator.

Graham, C., & Atz., T. (2015). Baccalaureate minority nursing students’ perceptions of high-fidelity simulation. Clinical Simulation in Nursing,11(11). 

Graham, C., Atz, T., Phillips, S., Newman, S., & Foronda, C. (2018). Exploration of a racially diverse sample of nursing students’ satisfaction, self-efficacy, and perceptions of simulation using racially diverse manikins: A mixed methods pilot study. Clinical Simulation in Nursing, 15.


Foronda, C. Prather, S.L., Baptiste, D. Townsend-Chambers, C., Mays, L., & Graham, C. (2018). Underrepresentation of racial diversity in simulation: An international study. Nursing Education Perspectives.

Wittmann-Price, R. A., Price, S. W., Graham, C. & Wilson, L. (2016). Using simulation to prepare nursing students for professional roles. Holistic Nursing Practice, 30(4), 201-215.

Graham, C., Hudson, S., Newman, S., Atz, T. (2016). Baccalaureate minority nursing students perceived barriers and facilitators to clinical education practices: An integrative review. Nursing Education Perspectives, 37(3), 130-137. 

Wittmann-Price, R. & Graham, C.  (2014). In Review Manual for the Certified Healthcare Simulation (CHSE) Exam. Springer Publishing Company.   

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