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Molinaroli College of Engineering and Computing

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Cyber training event engages technology educators and researchers

UofSC, NYSERNet, and EPOC partner to host networking workshop focused on Science DMZs

In April, the College of Engineering and Computing at the University of South Carolina along with the New York State Education and Research Network (NYSERNet) and the Engagement and Performance Operations Center (EPOC) hosted a two-day, online workshop for IT educators and professionals. More than 250 attended the event which introduced tools and techniques for the design, implementation and monitoring of high-throughput networks and science demilitarized zones, or Science DMZs.

A Science DMZ is a communications network co-located on a regular campus network, purposely built for high-speed data transfers of big science data. Integrated Information Technology Professor Jorge Crichigno, implemented an NSF-funded Science DMZ at UofSC and now leads trainings on the technology for other professionals.

During the workshop, each attendee had full control of equipment pods emulating Science DMZs, internetworks and tools to learn and test TCP-related issues and perfSONAR nodes. The workshop also provided hands-on experience on the Border Gateway Protocol (BGP), which is the de facto standard inter-AS routing protocol in today’s internet.

Attendees included system administrators, network engineers, national laboratory researchers, practitioners and more. They participated in sessions and breakout sessions on these topics:

  • Monitoring: perfSONAR and other tools
  • Data Mobility
  • Science DMZ: Data transfer nodes (DTNs), switches, TCP
  • Routing Policy: BGP
  • Network Security
  • Programmable Switches: P4, custom codes, ASICs

For more information regarding the agenda, topics covered, presentations, and recording of the event, visit:

About UofSC’s Cyberinfrastructure Lab

The Cyberinfrastructure Lab (CI Lab) at UofSC is a leading laboratory in the country in developing virtual labs for cyber training. This includes virtual labs targeting workforce development and research, such as P4 programmable data plane, Software-defined Networking, Routing Protocols (e.g., Border Gateway Protocol, Open Shortest Path First.), Open vSwitch, perfSONAR, Zeek Intrusion Detection and others. For further information regarding CI Lab cyber training, please visit

About the Engagement and Performance Operations Center

The Engagement and Performance Operations Center (EPOC) was established in 2018 as a collaborative focal point for operational expertise and analysis. Jointly led by Indiana University and the Energy Sciences Network, EPOC provides researchers with a holistic set of tools and services needed to debug performance issues and enable reliable and robust data transfers. By considering the full end-to-end data movement pipeline, EPOC is uniquely able to support collaborative science, allowing researchers to make the most effective use of shared data, computing and storage resources to accelerate the discovery process.

About NYSERNet

NYSERNet is a nonprofit organization advancing the research and educational missions of its members by delivering a full range of customized, progressive and affordable end-to-end data and networking technology solutions. NYSERNet also offers community opportunities to collaborate and improve through professional development trainings, conferences and events.

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