Computer Science professor Dr. Jenay Beer is part of a research team at the College of Nursing that has been awarded a grant to study ways to improved the survival rates of lung cancer patients.
The two-year grant will allow for the creation of a statewide network that will survey existing support systems and identify gaps in patient coverage for lung cancer patients and their families. The grant will also study how different interventions such as breathing exercises, meditation, and yoga help lung cancer patients manage symptoms. Lung cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer in S.C. and is also the leading cause of cancer deaths.
The Bristol-Myer Squibb Foundation, whose mission is to promote health equity and
improve the health outcomes of populations disproportionately affected by serious
diseases, provided the grant. Dr. Karen McDonnell leads the research team, which consists
of faculty from the College of Social Work, the Arnold, School of Public Health, the
School of Medicine, and Dr. Beer of the College of Engineering and Computing.
USC is a leader in health science education and research and offers the state’s most comprehensive suite of health disciplines, including medicine, public health, pharmacy, nursing, social work, and biomedical engineering.