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Leadership and Service Center

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Generation: YOU

Generation: YOU focuses on the power of individuals to create positive social change within communities while learning how to be inclusive within your leadership style to bring together diverse, multi-generational, thoughts and perspectives.

2022 SLDC Update

In order to best meet the needs of students and attendees, the 2022 Student Leadership and Diversity Conference (SLDC) is postponed until Spring 2023.

In lieu of SLDC this semester, we highly encourage USC students interested to engage in other opportunities provided throughout the semester through the Office of Multicultural Student Affairs and Leadership and Service Center. Some of the great opportunities this semester include the Diversity Retreat, the Civil Rights Tour Alternative Spring Break, and Leadership in Action Series. You may also find additional OMSA resources and/or request a coaching session with a LSC staff member, to continue your inclusive leadership development!



The Student Leadership and Diversity Conference (SLDC) is a regional conference that trains and educates student leaders on topics spanning leadership and diversity. Students participate in sessions on topics including: developing a leadership identity, exploring social justice and inclusion, creating initiatives and methods to foster sustainable positive change, and maximizing your student leadership experience.


SLDC be in-person on Feb. 19, 2022 in the Russell House University Union in Columbia, SC, from 10:00A to 4:00P.

SLDC will return to its traditional one-day in-person conference style.

Registration cost for SLDC are different for USC-Columbia attendees and non-USC-Columbia attendees.

Priority Registration opens December 1st and closes on January 14th. Cost for USC-Columbia attendees is $35 and non-USC-Columbia attendees is $40.

Registration opens again on January 17th and closes on February 4th. Cost for USC-Columbia attendees during this time is $40 and non-USC-Columbia attendees is $45.

Registration for SLDC will officially open on December 1st, 2021. If you are registering a group, you must submit the full roster (with names) by the deadline to receive the corresponding price. Your organization will not be considered registered for the conference until a full roster is provided and will be subject to a fee equivalent to the date that the full roster is submitted.

Example: If you are registering 15 participants for Priority registration, we must have the information for all 15 participants at the time of submission. If you do not submit a full roster, your registration will be cancelled.

Registration fees and deadlines will be announced soon.

Registration Change Policy 

All attendee info should be finalized prior to submitting conference registration. Changes can be made until 1/31/22 but a $5 processing fee will be charged.

Cancellation and Refund Policy 

Refunds can be given but will be charged a $5 processing fee. 

If payment is not received by 1/31 your registration will be cancelled.

Educational Sessions Now Open

Students, Graduate Assistants, Staff, Faculty, and Community Members may apply for one of two types of sessions:

  • Educational Sessions are 55-minutes and should actively engage participants in activities or discussion based learning.
  • Mini Sessions are 45-minute sessions that are focused on mental, physical, and/or emotional wellness. 

All topics related to diversity and leadership are welcomed and encouraged but some example ideas related to this year's theme are below:

  • Leadership styles throughout different generations
  • Understanding generational diversity in the workplace and community
  • Alleviating barriers of assumptions, stereotyping, and communication
  • The changing definition of identity and diversity amongst generations
  • Using your platform to provide equal opportunities to access and fairness
  • Addressing conscious and unconscious biases and barriers to inclusion

Applications close November 15th

If you have questions or concerns please reach out to Kimberly Seibles,


SLDC 2021 Sessions

A Case Example of How Students Can Demand Change to Promote Diversity
Against the Grain
Cracking the Code: The Invisible Diversity of Faith
Cracking the Code: Navigating and Supporting the Life of First-Generation BiPOC at PWIs
Cultivating a Brave Space: Transgender Inclusivity
Cryptoleaderology: The mysteries behind student leadership's common pitfalls and disguises
Elevating Diverse Voices: Defining Goals and Developing Leadership through the National Fellowships Process
Gamecocks Stand Up: Bystander Intervention for Anti-Discrimination
Honoring Your Work Self: Critical Conversations of Professionalism and Identity
iSPY Leadership Philosophy: Crack the Case
Leadership and Cultural Uncertainty: One Person's Experience Navigating Intercultural Interactions

Click for worksheet

Making Your Privilege Your Platform
Managing the Mission: Take Control of Job Searching Expectations
Mission Critical: Achieving Effective and Diverse Climate Justice
Moving Towards Second-Order Change: Promoting Diversity and Inclusion Through Student Programming
‘On The Line’; The Importance of Digital Civil Discourse
Qualified and Confident: How to Communicate Transferable Skills
Socioeconomic Inequality & the Racial Wealth Gap
Student Leaders & Burnout: How to Unlock the Stress Cycle
T.H.U.G. Life
Uncovering the Transformative Practice of Feminist Leadership

Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.