2025 Student Government Elections Timeline
Stay tuned for more information!
All students are encouraged to serve the university in a leadership role through student government. There are opportunities for any student regardless of classification and discipline. Explore the information below to find out how you can play an active role on campus within Freshman Council, Government Relations, and the Student Senate.
Stay tuned for more information!
Freshman Council (FroCo) acts as an entry-level organization within Student Government with an emphasis on leadership and community involvement. Members consist of a diverse selection of students who undergo a fairly rigorous interview and application process and are chosen to represent the freshman class in Student Government.
Throughout the year, the group meets weekly to discuss pressing issues at USC. Freshman Council gets a chance to work with other members of Student Government as well as other organizations and services at USC. Through the mentor-mentee system, each member on the council is paired with an upperclassman member of student government to assist throughout the course of the year.
The council is made up of several committees that work on various projects throughout the year. Each committee has a specific role in contributing to the success of the Freshman Council. Committees meet once a week and all are welcome to attend just like the regular FC meetings.
Email: sgfroco@mailbox.sc.edu
The Elections Commission is the independent body that is responsible for conducting and overseeing the annual student body election and inauguration. This Commission is headed by the elections commissioner who is appointed by the student body president. The commission also consists of the deputy elections commissioners.
Election ballots can be found at sc.edu/elections during voting periods.
Apply for Election Commisson Here!
Email: saec@mailbox.sc.edu
Student Government advocates to the university administration and local, state, and federal entities to express the needs for the student body.
The National Lobbying Agency (NLA) is the oldest team within Government Relations. Every year, members of this non-partisan student research team travel to our nation’s capital to meet with members of the South Carolina Congressional Delegation. You will gain immense political research experience as you prepare for the completion of the NLA report. The report includes 3-4 issues chosen by members and then surveyed amongst the student body for a student opinion. The data is compiled in the report and presented to persuade members to vote, support, or disprove within the congressional agenda. This experience has also included visits to the Department of Education, White House, and National Mall.
The State Lobbying Agency (SLA) is a non-partisan advocacy entity, communicating with the South Carolina General Assembly. This communication is on behalf of the constituency of the University of South Carolina student body to share concerns with state officials. LAN members can look forward to increasing the awareness and presence of SLA with the members of the general assembly by attending legislative sessions and various committee meetings. Third, SLA looks forward to organizing a reception where members of student government have the opportunity to interact with state legislators. And lastly, SLA will be the program helping the Government Relations secretary and deputy secretaries directly aiding in the roll out of the first ever Higher Education Day. Other initiatives also include presenting to members of the Richland County delegation in February.
The Local Lobbying Agency (LLA) is a non-partisan advocacy group tasked with being the liaisons between city council-members of Columbia and students. While only in its second year, LLA has made leaps and bounds for advocacy on the municipal level. Leading the charge on student input regarding Quiet Zones, LLA has helped to lay the foundation and plead the case for Quiet Zones surrounding USC’s campus, Five Points, and the Vista. Also they plan to pilot the Extend Conference this year, a conference built to connect Richland One high schools with USC and the possibilities for political engagement while on campus. During the year, members will have the opportunity to present their research findings to council-members, local officials, and Mayor Benjamin.