Media Literacy Workshop
Join Gamecock Civic Leaders on March 27th at 5:00pm in the Russell House Theater to learn more about media literacy and using your new knowledge to see how it can be applied to Zootopia!Statement of Nonpartisanship
The Leadership and Service Center’s involvement in civic engagement is a nonpartisan effort. Our initiatives are meant to encourage informed and active participation in government, increase understanding of public issues, and create a culture of civic education and advocacy. The Leadership and Service Center does not support nor oppose any candidates for office or political party. As a center, we recognize it is unlikely for individual members of our team to be entirely nonpartisan with their personal views. Despite this, we find strength from this diversity of opinions and thoughts, rather than weakness. To balance our political ideologies, we intentionally select students from across the political spectrum in hopes of representing everyone.
Practicing Purposeful Civic Engagement
To be civically engaged means to be engaged within your community, through acts of education, service and leadership. The Leadership & Service Center provides a variety of opportunities that allow for students to grow in their civic understanding.
1. Join an Organization that Develops Your Civic Understanding
If you are looking for a place to develop your civic understanding join the Gamecock Civic Leaders! Gamecock Civic Leaders mission is to develop students’ civic identities and to promote community engagement through voter education, civic learning, and active citizenship. Email Emma Ormond ( to learn more!
In this committee students will be able to develop and conduct registration drives, voting workshops, and tabling events. They will also work closely with the South Carolina and Richland County Elections Office.
In this committee students will be able to develop and conduct civic engagement workshops, Free Speech Week, and Constitution Day
In this committee students will be able to develop and conduct U101 presentations, develop a relationship with the First Generation Office and the Orientation Office.
In this committee students will be able to develop and host events such as a State House Tour, a City Commissioner Panel, Issue Investigation Workshops and programming surrounding Civic attitude.
2. Participate in Service Opportunities
Find service opportunities through USC’s service webpage.
3. Develop Leadership Skills
Developing your civic identity and learning how work with others is a great first step into becoming civically engaged. You can learn how to develop these skills through our leadership programs.
Helpful Resources
Where do you want to register to vote?
- Decide if you want to use your permanent address or university address.
- Use Campus Vote Project State Student Guides to learn about barriers and requirements to vote in SC or your home state.
TurboVote makes voting easy by offering simultaneous online registration and a ballot request process that takes minutes to complete.
Sign up for election reminders via text or email.
To check if you are registered correctly, find your polling location, and check ID requirements, visit Can I Vote.
Before you go vote you'll want to do your research on the candidates you'll find on your ballot.
ActiVote is a non-partisan resource that can assist you in your research on candidates. By filling out their survey you can see how you align with the national, state, and local candidates you'll find on your ballot.
Ballotpedia is able to show you what could be found on your ballot based on where you are eligible to vote. This resource will help you research the content of your ballot.
As you prepare for voting make sure you have your polling plan outlined so that you can be prepared!
USC is now an Early Voting Campus! If you are a resident of Richland County you are now able to vote at the Blatt P.E. Center during early voting (Oct. 21st through Nov. 1st)
In-State: If you are in-state but unable to return to your county you are able to request a mail in ballot! Check out TurboVote to request your mail-in ballot.
Out-of-State: If you are an out of state student who is not planning on returning to your home state check out TurboVote to request your mail-in ballot.
Interested in how Free Speech relates to your student organization? Watch our Free Speech Video to learn more!
Visit USC’s Free Speech on Campus webpage to learn more about how USC is committed to fostering free speech on campus
Freedom of Expression and Access to Campus (UNIV 6.00)
Student Code of Conduct (STAF 6.26)
Civil Rights & Title IX (CR 1.00)
Russell House Posting and Promotion Guidelines
University Support
Safely Engaging in Expression Delegates (SEED)
Students who have concerns about an event or would like to request assistance during a planned event should contact SEED ( to speak with a team member.