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National Fellowships and Scholar Programs

Three Grantees, Three Distinct Wins

DAAD Fellowships offer diverse opportunities for study and professional growth in Germany

The University of South Carolina is proud to announce three DAAD award grantees. The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) supports numerous funded opportunities for study and professional advancement in Germany. In 2021, three South Carolina students won DAAD grants in three separate areas. 

Why it Matters: 

  • DAAD offers diverse grant opportunities for students in all disciplines and levels of higher education. 
  • This diversity allows students to obtain multiple grants, including language courses, and build up a relationship with another country and its culture.
  • RISE and RISE Professional awards fund research experiences with German doctoral students and German industry, respectively.
  • Germany is known for their strength in the fields of science and technology, as well as the humanities.
  • International research and study experiences offer professional and academic connections that benefit recipients in their future studies and careers, including success in future fellowship opportunities.

The DAAD winners for 2021 come from multiple backgrounds, spanning the sciences and humanities. Chemical engineering PhD candidate Michael Royko is the winner of the DAAD RISE Professional award to complete an industrial research internship at the headquarters of BASF. Shannon Henry, a South Carolina native and SC Honors College junior won the DAAD RISE internship to conduct research at the Leibniz Institute of Plant Biochemistry. Clyde LeMoine, another South Carolina native and 2021 philosophy graduate, SC Honors College member and Capstone Scholar, was offered but declined a DAAD Study grant to fund a full master’s degree in Germany. Royko will complete his internship in Germany during the summer of 2021, Henry plans to go in the fall of 2021. 

“As a German national teaching at UofSC, I am glad that there are so many opportunities for international students to get to know Germany and its rich scholarly and cultural traditions,” says Michael Stoeltzner, the faculty mentor to UofSC DAAD applicants. “I am also proud of the success that our undergraduate and graduate students have had over the past decade in winning DAAD grants.”

National Fellowships and Scholar Programs was proud to assist these winners throughout the application process and would like to offer special thanks to Michael Stoeltzner for providing faculty support. 

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