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Center for Teaching Excellence

  • Student in the field

10 Minutes to 10 Hours: Helping Students “Get It” in Ways Big and Small


Integrative learning is about students making connections across their experiences (whether in or outside the classroom) that result in deeper and longer lasting learning. Instructors can help students make connections between their experiences and the concepts they are studying in class by taking just a few minutes of class time to engage students in active learning or by designing major assignments to require students to integrate their work and experiences across the semester. This session is designed to share a variety of examples so that attendees can consider what might work best in their areas. Categories include brief problem solving and reflection activities to do in-class, students as teachers, and students learning through self-assessment (e.g., e-portfolios).

About the Facilitator

Irma Van Scoy is from upstate NY and taught at James Madison University in Virginia before joining the USC Early Childhood faculty in 1990. She served as the Associate Dean of the USC College of Education from 2000-2011. In Fall 2011, Dr. Van Scoy became the Executive Director of Center for Integrative and Experiential Learning, the university's initiative to enhance students' education through the integration of learning within and beyond the classroom.

Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.
