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Center for Teaching Excellence

  • Graduate Teaching Assistant

Pedagogy Workshops and Events

In our effort to help keep faculty at the forefront of the ever evolving understanding of how students learn and what types of best practices good teachers should engage in, the CTE offers workshops and events that give faculty the building blocks they need in order to engage their students and design good courses that foster student learning.

*Special Notice*

In order for attendees to personally track their current registrations and attendance at CTE workshops and events, CTE requires that registrants create an account in our registration system and login to register.  If you have an existing training account with the Division of Human Resources, Office of Organizational and Professional Development, you do not need to create an account. You can login using your HR training username and password. By logging in to register for CTE events, your complete record for both CTE and HR trainings will be available in a single location with a single account and login. 

View and print CTE training record.

Click on the "+" sign next to each event to see description.

You can choose to use the Calendar View of CTE events if you prefer.

April 2024

iClicker Cloud is a mobile-optimized engagement platform designed to facilitate student, education, and institutional collaboration. iClicker Cloud includes both synchronous and asynchronous options including polling, quizzing, and assignments. Regardless of class size or delivery method, iClicker Cloud can help you increase attendance and participation, provide instant feedback, identify misconceptions in real time, and more.  Register

Student engagement is crucial for learning! Studies have demonstrated that using virtual reality in education can boost student engagement, enhance attitudes toward the subject, and even lead to enhanced student performance. In this session, the presenters will explore the various benefits of using virtual reality in the classroom, along with the easiest ways to get started using virtual reality in education. They will demonstrate some virtual reality experiences with a Meta Quest 2 headset so participants will not only hear about virtual reality, they'll get to experience it for themselves.  Register

We often hear the term 'politically correct' or 'PC' to describe when individuals feel they have to change their terminology to not offend another person. However, this presentation will challenge us to move away 'politically correct' terms and focus more on inclusive, validating terms, phrases, and descriptors for different groups. The focus will be on exploring how inclusive language in the classroom when teaching, discussing students/faculty, and when creating materials can transform how students absorb information, feel welcomed and safe, and embrace diversity. This introductory presentation will focus on defining marginalized population, person-first language, and addressing some of our implicit bias & stereotypes when communicating about/with diverse populations.

This is an elective session for a certificate of completion in Teaching Towards Inclusive Excellence.  Register

Are you ready to transform your assessment methods and unleash the power of technology to enhance student learning? In this webinar, we will delve into the world of Generative Artificial Intelligence, a powerful technology that can generate text, translate languages, write different creative content, and answer your questions with human-like responses. With prompt engineering, the art of crafting effective instructions for generative AI, you will discover how to design prompts that elicit thoughtful responses. Discover how to generate assessments that align with your course learning outcomes to foster creativity, critical thinking, and personalized learning experiences.  Register

Engaging in conflict is challenging whether you are an experienced instructor or new to your role. A common strategy is to ignore the behavior due to our own discomfort, concern over retaliation or fear that our intervention may cause more harm or disruption. We will identify what our fears are about classroom disruption and use case study examples to practice strategies to stretch participants' comfort zones. This workshop will also explore Gerald Amada's research from Coping with Misconduct in the College Classroom and provide participants with tangible strategies to prevent and respectfully address disruptive behavior.

This is a required session for a certificate of completion in Fostering Proactive Learning Environments.  Register

Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.
