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Molinaroli College of Engineering and Computing

Faculty and Staff

Juan Caicedo

Title: Department Chair, Civil and Environmental Engineering
Department: Civil and Environmental Engineering
Molinaroli College of Engineering and Computing
Phone: 803-777-1925
Fax: 803-777-0670
Office: 300 Main Street, Room C231
Resources: My Research Website
Headshot of Juan Caicedo


Dr. Caicedo's area of specialization is in Structural Engineering with emphasis in Structural Dynamics. His research interests include both numerical and experimental research in the areas of structural dynamics, model updating, structural health monitoring, earthquake engineering and structural control. Dr. Caicedo is member of the American Society of Civil Engineers, the Earthquake Engineering Research Institute, George E. Brown Jr. Network for Earthquake Engineering Simulation, the Society of Experimental Mechanics and the American Society of Engineering Educators.


  • D.Sc., Civil Engineering, Washington University in St. Louis, MO, Aug.2003
  • M.S., Civil Engineering, Washington University in St. Louis, MO, May 2001
  • B.S. Civil Engineering with emphasis in structures, Universidad del Valle, Colombia, South America, May 1998

Current projects (selected)

  • “Radionuclide Waste Disposal: Development of Multi-scale Experimental and Modeling Capabilities,” subaward 1750-219-2020199 to DE-SC0012530, US Department of Energy/EPSCoR, $1,035,000 (total project: $5,250,000), 08/15/2014-08/14/2017.  Role: Co-PI (USC Co-PIs: J. Flora, J. Caicedo, T. Knight, P. Ziehl; Project PI: B. Powell, Clemson University).

For a complete list of projects and publications visit the my research website.

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