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Molinaroli College of Engineering and Computing

Faculty and Staff

Abdel-Moez E. Bayoumi

Title: Professor Mechanical Engineering, Biomedical Engineering
Associate Dean
Department: Mechanical Engineering, Biomedical Engineering
Molinaroli College of Engineering and Computing
Phone: 803-777-1845
Fax: 803-777-0106

McNair Center

Resources: Center for Predictive Maintenance
McNair Aerospace Center
headshot of Abdel Bayoumi


Dr. Bayoumi has about 40 years teaching, research and industry experience. He is currently the Director of the Center for Predictive Maintenance, Associate Dean for Corporate Relations and Professor of Mechanical and Biomedical Engineering. Prior to joining USC, he was Professor of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering at North Carolina State University, a project manager at Hewlett-Packard Company, and Professor of Mechanical and Materials Engineering at Washington State University. He has been actively involved in developing strong programs in mechanical, biomedical, nuclear and aerospace engineering. His research activities have been focused in mechanical behavior of materials, tribology, diagnosis and prognosis and life predictions of mechanical systems, manufacturing processes, health monitoring systems, condition-based maintenance, and digital transformation. Dr. Bayoumi has received more than $35M in funding from the US Department of Defense, US Department of Energy, US National Science Foundation and various US industries. He has published over 150 journal and conference papers

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