ARTE 101 – Introduction to Art
BIOL 110 – General Biology
BIOL 110L – General Biology Laboratory (online)
CHEM 105 – Chemistry and Modern Society
CRJU 101 – The American Criminal Justice System
CSCE 101 – Introduction to Computer Concepts (online)
CSCE 102 – General Applications Programming (online)
ECON 224 – Introduction to Economics (online)
ENGL 101 - Critical Reading and Composition
ENGL 102 – Rhetoric and Composition
HIST 101-102 - European Civilization
HIST 111-112 – United States History
ITAL 121-122 – Elementary-Basic Proficiency Italian
MATH 111 – Basic College Mathematics
MATH 122 – Business Calculus
POLI 201-American National Government
PSYC 101 – Introduction to Psychology
SOCY 101 – Introductory Sociology
SPAN 109-122 – Beginning Spanish – Basic Proficiency in Spanish
SPCH 140 – Public Communication
UNIV 101 – The Student in the University
WGST 112 – Introduction to Women’s and Gender Studies
Our Peer Tutors are all upper class undergraduate students at the University of South Carolina who have excelled in the course they tutor. They have been trained to facilitate discussions on course content and to guide undergraduate students as they improve their academic habits.
All Tutoring Sessions will be on a drop-in basis and students will be asked to bring
their Carolina Card for check-in. Come prepared to work and be an active participant
in the session. Bring questions from your assignments or lectures and an open mind.
Challenging yourself to try new things can have great rewards, in and out of the classroom.
Drop In tutoring schedule can be found here.
- You must first register for disability services.
- After registration you will be asked to upload any required documents. You may review requirements here.
- Upon approval, you will attend a registration meeting.
- More information may be found on the Student Disability Resource Center Website.
Printing Services are available free of charge for Bates House residents. Residents may print up to 30 pages at one time in black/white or color. Files should be saved as a PDF on a flash drive for printing (flash drives are available in the Bates House SSC Office). Free printing is also available in the Palmetto Pathway Computer Lab located in Byrnes 302.
The USC Career Center is dedicated to supporting your needs at all stages of the process, whether you are still making decisions about your future direction, looking for hands-on experiences, or are ready for the next steps that will prepare you to live out your career goals.
From the basics of exploring major and career options and writing your resume, to connecting with employers for internships and interviews, UofSC students have access to career coaches and a premiere collection of online tools. Follow this link for more information.