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University Registrar

  • students studying at business school

Honor Lists

Each semester, the university publishes the President’s Honor List and the Dean’s Honor List to recognize undergraduate students who, at the end of the previous semester, had achieved outstanding academic success. Honors are calculated approximately thirty business days after the last day of exams.

President's Honor List

Recognizes undergraduate students with a grade point average of 4.00 earned on a minimum of 12 credited semester hours.

Spring 2024


Dean's Honor List

Recognizes undergraduate students with a grade point average of 3.50 or higher earned on a minimum of 12 credited semester hours. 

Note: Students who are on the President’s Honor List are automatically on the Dean’s Honor List and will only appear on the President’s Honor List. 

Spring 2024


Honor Lists FAQ

The purpose of the posting of President’s and Dean’s lists is to provide US media outlets with a list of students who have achieved semester honors by US hometown. A student’s permanent address (City, State, Zip Code) is used to determine “hometown".

  • A student may have requested a confidentiality indicator to be set in USC’s student information system to prevent the release of directory information.
  • A student may not have a permanent address listed in USC’s student information system.
  • If your name does not appear on the lists on this web page, you can confirm if you earned semester honors by viewing your advising transcript in

The student may have received an incomplete make-up after semester honors had been calculated. Semester honors are only run after the conclusion of the semester.

No course carried on a Pass-Fail basis, by examination, correspondence, or exemption will be counted toward the 12 hours required for either the President’s or Dean’s Honor List.

If the student was not enrolled in any gradable course (INTL is a pass/fail course and isn’t graded), then the student is excluded from semester honors.

Only the most current list is published on our website. However, semester honors will permanently remain on students’ academic records which can be reviewed by students via

Contact the Office of the University Registrar. Please be sure to include your full name and USC ID.

Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.
