McNair Scholar
Quakertown High School
Quakertown, Pa.
Electrical Engineering
Career plans: Achieve technical excellence in my electrical engineering craft in order to push technology forward, all the while maintaining high levels of personal happiness.
Most impactful experience: On a whim during my sophomore year, I emailed electrical engineering professor Dr. Matolak just looking to talk about his work. By the end of our conversation, I had accepted a position in his research lab and started down a path that has incomparably defined my professional and academic goals. Exposed to new areas of research and the discipline to effectively explore these interests, I have been able to give myself an outlet for my efforts that combines personal success and satisfaction.
Best part of the Top Scholars program: Undoubtedly, the community of high-quality classmates, intellectuals, and friends provided by the Top Scholar group is what I have enjoyed the most. It is through this group that I have found friends and peers who will push me to develop professionally and personally, enrich my education and support all my endeavors along the way.
UofSC Story: In 20 years when I reflect back on my time at UofSC, I know with absolute certainty the relationships I formed will still be my largest take-away from here. My educational and professional opportunities have been fantastic, and for sure have set me on a path for success. However, it is the friends and peers I have surrounded myself with that have amplified my success and happiness. It is because of these people that I have developed into the person I am and will continue to be.