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National Fellowships and Scholar Programs

Isabella Williams

McNair Scholar

St. Mary's Episcopal School
Memphis, Tenn.

One of the most defining experiences of my undergraduate career has been volunteering through this IRS's Volunteer Income Tax Assistance program. Through this program, I have been able to serve the Columbia community by filing lower-income citizens' taxes in a free and safe environment.

Emily Richards

Career plans: I would love to become a public accountant, hopefully working my way up to partner, at a Big Four accounting firm. I have been very interested in accounting since high school, and pursuing audit at a Big Four firm is how this interest has manifested itself in my career goals.

Most impactful experience: My most impactful experience at UofSC has been participating in the Volunteer Income Tax Assistance program through Beta Alpha Psi, though which we help lower-income citizens file their taxes freely and safely. Being able to combine my interest of accounting with serving the community has been very rewarding and has been a wonderful reminder that there are so many ways to serve our communities.

Best part of the Top Scholars program: I am most thankful for the Top Scholar community; it was how I made so many of what I know will be lifelong friendships. From scholar weekend nervously meeting everyone to my senior year of college still living with three scholars, the Top Scholar community has surrounded me with so many like-minded people who endlessly support me and push me to become the best version of myself.

UofSC Story: One of the most defining experiences of my undergraduate career has been volunteering through this IRS's Volunteer Income Tax Assistance program. Through this program, I have been able to serve the Columbia community by filing lower-income citizens' taxes in a free and safe environment. This opportunity has also allowed me to combine my passions of accounting and serving my community in a seamless way and has reminded me just how important community service is. As Vice President of Beta Alpha Psi, I have worked to recruit other students into volunteering in this program as well, hoping to allow others to have this experience as well.

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