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National Fellowships and Scholar Programs

Sophia Estabrooks

McNair Scholar

Mother of Divine Grace School
Rowlett, Texas

College has taught me to never take anything for granted, whether that be one last lecture with my favorite professor or a final goodbye to a dear friend.

Sophia poses for a headshot in Kyiv, Ukraine

Career plans: To work in an academic or cultural setting, particularly in Eurasia. 

Most impactful experience: My two semesters study abroad in Kyiv, Ukraine. 

UofSC Story: My time at UofSC has first and foremost been defined by change. Bad changes like covid starting halfway into sophomore year or the cancellation of junior year study abroad plans became good when I was able to then spend a semester in Kyiv. I fell in love with the city and country in a way I never thought possible, so I went back for a final study abroad semester senior fall. Now the wheel turns again, and due to current threats, my post graduation plans are eternally in flux. College has taught me nothing if not to never, ever take anything for granted, whether that be one last lecture with my favorite professor, or a final goodbye to a dear friend. 


Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.
