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National Fellowships and Scholar Programs

Vivian Ho

Carolina Scholar

Riverside High School
Greenville, S.C.
Biological Sciences

I aspire to be a physician who advocates for underserved communities and mentors the next generation of healthcare professionals.

Vivian headshot

Career plans: I aspire to be a physician who advocates for underserved communities and mentors the next generation of healthcare professionals.

UofSC Story: I have had so many amazing memories and experiences while at UofSC, but the lifelong friendships I formed were the most defining. I met my closest friends while living in the Honors dorm as a freshman, and four years later we were still happily rooming together—on the Horseshoe. From cheering ourselves hoarse at Willy B, to chaotically solving escape rooms at Thursday After Dark events, to late-night study sessions at T Coop, these are the moments that I will carry with me forever. UofSC taught me to value time outside the classroom and to fully enjoy the present moment. 

Most impactful experience: My most formative experience was volunteering as a medical assistant at the Free Medical Clinic. While learning clinical skills like measuring vitals, taking histories and performing tests like UAs and EKGs, I formed close bonds with patients, staff and fellow volunteers. I shadowed physicians from a variety of specialties and grew from a clueless volunteer to the one training new volunteers. Through this opportunity, I cemented my desire to help underserved communities in my future career. 

Best part of the Top Scholars program: The best thing about being a Top Scholar is the wonderful community. Fellow Top Scholars were my first college friends, and I am grateful to have spent these four years with them—and hopefully many more. No matter what happened, I always knew that I had a support network behind me.


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