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National Fellowships and Scholar Programs

Lauren Alexis Gergick

Carolina Scholar

Stratford High School
Goose Creek, S.C.
Mechanical Engineering

It wasn't until studying abroad in Scotland my junior year that I found who I was, what I wanted from life and a legitimate interest in engineering.

Lauren hanging onto tree roots outside of a hidden cave in Hawaii

Career plans: I will pursue a career in manufacturing where I will get to produce hands-on, tangible work.

UofSC Story: For a large portion of my time at UofSC, I doubted myself and my major. It wasn't until studying abroad in Scotland my junior year that I found who I was, what I wanted from life and a legitimate interest in engineering. In a way my struggles tempered my character into a stronger version of myself. To quote Harvey Dent, I learned that "the night is darkest just before the dawn" and if I can endure and overcome struggles rather than avoid them or quit, I'll gain a better handle on and appreciation for the good times. My time at UofSC has taught me how to pick myself up when I fall down, which is an invaluable experience. In turn, I've now made lifelong friends, found an interest in manufacturing, and am confident in my ability to handle even the most stressful situations.

Most impactful experience: Studying abroad in Scotland was by far my most impactful experience during my undergraduate studies, as I got to live through an action-filled escape from reality where I learned to navigate cultural differences.

Best part of the Top Scholars program: I enjoyed the financial security afforded to me through the Top Scholar Program which allowed me to save, invest early and travel the world.


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