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National Fellowships and Scholar Programs

Macy Cope

Carolina Scholar

Lexington High School
Lexington, S.C.
International Business, Economics

Career plans: I plan to attend law school. I am interested in corporate law, civil litigation and international trade policy.

UofSC story: UofSC made my college experience better than I could ever imagine. I will never forget the early morning study sessions, and afternoon Horseshoe strolls. Many of the people I met will be lifelong friends. My professors pushed me to challenge the preconceptions of the world and my personal limits. The Club Tennis Team was a constant source of joy and camaraderie. Above all, I am grateful to be a member of the Gamecock Family for the rest of my life. 

Most impactful experience: I studied abroad in Paris France during the spring of 2021. I grew as a student, a leader and a global citizen. 

Best part of being a Top Scholar: The Top Scholar network is a fascinating group of people. I am grateful for the friendships I have made, as well as the lessons I have learned from these remarkable individuals. 

Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.
