Carolina Scholar
Dorman High School
Spartanburg, S.C.
Journalism, Environmental Science
Career plans: I'm planning on combining my degrees to pursue scientific communication; whether that takes form by writing for a newspaper or other publication, helping a company communicate with their users about science, or working in interpretation for a group like the National Parks Service remains to be seen.
UofSC story: In my first semester of college, I was a physics major along with journalism. Long
story short, that didn't work out: spending hours in a windowless lab didn't cut it
for me. I switched to environmental science, knowing there are many stories to be
told there. I wasn't certain about the switch, though, since I was worried I'd be
behind. I took a Maymester trip to the Galapagos Islands focused on environmentalism
and Latin American history that summer, which removed all doubt whatsoever. The lengths
that the people of the islands go to in order to protect their rich natural history
are admirable, and I became inspired to bring a similar level of environmental stewardship
Most impactful experience: In autumn 2020, I was able to cover a Black Lives Matter rally in Columbia's Finlay Park for the Daily Gamecock. I'd attended BLM rallies before, but I'd never had such in-depth conversations with other supporters. Sticking through that event from start to finish, from Jim Clyburn's speech to a march to Lindsey Graham's office, showed me clearly the need for journalism in relaying information to the public.
Best part of being a Top Scholar: The Top Scholar advisors have been a rock for me during my time at USC. I've been able to come to them with questions about anything within the National Fellowships and Scholar Programs or without, even personal matters, and they've always either had the answers or connected me with somebody who did. In a university experience defined by tumult, I've relished how steadfast the Top Scholar program and experience have been.