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Division of Information Technology

  • High Performance computers

A New Era Begins for High Performance Computing at USC

(September 2017)
A powerful new High Performance Computing (HPC) cluster, Hyperion, is available to faculty and students at the University of South Carolina.  Hyperion is the newest addition to the University of South Carolina HPC cluster environment.  This 300 TeraFLOP* cluster offers both dedicated resources to research groups and shared resources to the community. USC computational capabilities will increase from 500 to 6,760 compute cores that include powerful Graphical Processing Unit (GPU) and Big Data nodes connected by a very high- speed 100 Gigabit/second network.  This new cluster, managed by Research Computing (RCI) in the Division of Information Technology and funded by the Office of the Provost, will enable leading-edge research capabilities in computer modeling and simulation.   A greatly accelerated time-to-results will give researchers a significant advantage when competing for grants or publishing results in many areas such as bioinformatics, computational chemistry, materials fabrication, and nuclear engineering.  Hyperion will also meet compute-intense demands required in data analytics and deep learning research.

*300 TeraFLOP = 300 Trillion Floating Point Operations per second

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