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Division of Information Technology

  • Graph showing Research Data Hub going into different operating systems via SMB or GLOBUS on one side, and institutions, cloud storage, and HPC clusters on the others

Research Data Storage

USC faculty researchers now can order up to 1TB of managed, networkable, and shareable storage for their non-restricted research data for free.  Additional storage is available for a nominal yearly fee.

About Research Data Storage

The USC Research Computing DataHub is a central storage resource for medium-term storage of data from active research projects. The DataHub is an enterprise-level shared storage platform located in the University data center and supported and managed by the Research Computing group, with fast network connections to Research Computing's Hyperion High Performance Computing cluster, as well as other national and international computing and storage resources.  The DataHub can be mounted as a shared drive on Windows, Macintosh, and Linux desktop computers attached to the USC campus network or through the VPN.

Researchers may request up to one terabyte (1TB) of research data storage on the Research DataHub for free.  Additional storage is available for a nominal fee of $25/terabyte/year upon execution of a memorandum of understanding regarding the cost recovery.  Researchers must also complete a Data Management Plan before being granted access to the Research DataHub.  Data stored on the DataHub is backed up to a cloud resource on a quarterly basis for disaster recovery.  If researchers leave the university, their data stored on the DataHub will be deleted.

To order a new Research Data Storage allocation, or to change the shared access to an existing Research Data Storage allocation, please enter a request using ServiceNow.

Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.
