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Division of Information Technology


CarolinaDataWorks provides protected space on the university's Tableau Server for administrative units to perform data analytics, visualization and reporting. The server may be used for any organizational data project but cannot be used for teaching and learning activities nor sponsored research. Users are responsible for self-training in the use of Tableau through a range of free services available through USC, including the Analytics Community of Practice, as well as external training opportunities with Tableau or other providers.

Please note that items developed on the university Tableau Server are not available to the public; access requires having a network username and password and assigned permissions. The DoIT will ensure a logical org structure and naming conventions for org units with a Data Steward.

The org unit is responsible for administering the project space allocated, including the creation of sub-project folders, controlling access and permissions of permitted users, and actively monitoring use.

Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.
