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Division of Information Technology

Technology Tips for Online Exams

Though many people are familiar with learning and working from home, it’s important to be prepared and comfortable before taking your online exams. Here are some technology tips to ensure success:

Check your computer

Avoid last minute problems! Be sure to log on to your computer at least 20 minutes prior to your exam. This will give you plenty of time to check your Wi-Fi signal, move to a new location if needed, and verify if all hardware and software are working properly. 

Carve out a quiet test-taking spot with minimal distractions

Turn off all notifications from your phone, your email, and elsewhere (or, set them to silent). Shut off the TV and radio. Let your roommates or family know that you’ll be taking a test, so that they’re less likely to interrupt you during that time.

Bring the essentials to your workplace

Gather all the things you will need, including computer chargers, notebooks, pens or pencils to work out mathematical problems or to jot notes.

Don’t leave the test page! 

If you are given permission to search the web or check other websites for information, don’t use the same tab or copy of the browser as you do for your exam, you could lose your work. Instead, open a second copy of your browser, then continue your search.

Technical problems? Don’t panic!

Contact your instructor first and describe to them the exact problem that occurred and any error messages you might have received. Then, give the UofSC IT Service Desk a call at 803-777-1800. Technicians are available to help students resolve and troubleshoot IT issues.

On behalf of the DoIT, we’d like to wish all students and faculty a successful exam season! For technology assistance please call the UofSC IT Service Desk at 803-777-1800 or visit


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