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Division of Information Technology

Upgrade to Blackboard System Begins Dec. 20


Beginning at 5:00 p.m. on Friday, December 20, Blackboard will be updated to the new Ultra Base Navigation. This new navigation has a sleek, modern look and feel that will save instructors and students time with simpler workflows and easier access to relevant information. Due to the extent of work involved, Blackboard will be offline longer than normal – up to eight days, with an estimated restored-service date of Saturday, December 28. 


What is Ultra Base Navigation?

It is a modern, intuitive navigation menu that lives outside of courses. It includes links to new pages such as the Activity Stream, Calendar, Messages, etc. that provide quick access to the most critical information consolidated from courses.


What does this mean for Instructors and Students?

  • Courses will not change. They will look and operate precisely as they do now. 
  • When Blackboard is returned to service, instructors and students will see the new navigation as soon as they log into Blackboard.
  • The new navigation provides an efficient and timesaving way to access important information in Blackboard.

 How will this enhance your efficiency and experience?

  • Modern, intuitive user experience. Instructors and students will enjoy this simple, intuitive, engaging user experience. 
  • Works well on mobile devices. This navigation is designed to work well on all devices. 
  • Aggregates important information. All course and organizational information like calendar, messages, and grades are now consolidated into one global view, minimizing the time spent navigating into each course. 
  • Only one click away. If an instructor or student sees something that needs their attention, they can click on it and will be taken directly there, minimizing clicks and saving time.


If you have any questions, please contact the Service Desk at 803-777-1800 or

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