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College of Pharmacy

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Our Research

The University of South Carolina is a leader in cutting-edge pharmacological research, transforming the lives of millions of people who rely on effective medication and providing an elite training ground for the next generation of researchers.

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    #1 in SC, Top 25 nationwide

    We rank first in the state and among the top 25 colleges of pharmacy nationwide for both federal and total research dollars received.

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    $16.4M total federal funding

     Our total federal funding has quadrupled since 2020, along with nearly doubling non-federal funding for research.

    AACP Research Funding Rankings, FY2023

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    +28% growth in NIH funding

    The USC College of Pharmacy grew funding from the National Institutes of Health by just over $2M from FY22 to FY23.

Subject-Matter Experts

Our faculty experts are available to provide context and commentary on a variety of topics. Browse our subject-matter experts list for media inquiries or interviews.

Contact Us

Lorne Hofseth, Ph.D., Associate Dean for Research


Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.
