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College of Pharmacy

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Certificate Programs

Clinical Teaching Certificate

Regardless of career path, pharmacists are relied upon to effectively impart their knowledge, skills, and expertise to others. Elevate your teaching skills with a Clinical Teaching Certificate from the University of South Carolina College of Pharmacy.

About the Program

The Clinical Teaching Certificate (CTC) program at the University of South Carolina College of Pharmacy is a structured educational program to enhance teaching and precepting skills, allowing pharmacists to become confident and motivational educators in both academic and clinical pharmacy settings.  

Two tracks are offered within the program:

Each participant benefits from the guidance and supervision of an experienced educator who provides mentorship and facilitates engagement with the College of Pharmacy. Through development workshops, hands-on learning activities, and opportunities to create, implement, and evaluate educational experiences within academic and clinical practice environments, the CTC produces skilled life-long pharmacy educators. Upon completion of all requirements, participants are awarded a certificate demonstrating their accomplishment.

Whether you are a pharmacy resident, new practitioner, or someone potentially interested in more advanced precepting / teaching, we would love to work with you. Contact the Program Directors to discuss the best path for your enrollment.

Upon completion of the CTC program, the participant will be able to:

  1. Develop, deliver, and assess teaching activities in a variety of instructional settings, including didactic lectures, clinical teaching/precepting, and small or large group facilitation.
  2. Employ effective teaching techniques based on the principles of learning. 
  3. Assess learner performance in an effective, objective, equitable, and constructive manner.
  4. Incorporate self-assessment, peer assessment, mentor evaluation, and learner feedback to improve personal teaching performance.
  5. Demonstrate the knowledge, skills, and attitudes needed to provide effective learner-centered education as a preceptor, mentor, colleague, or faculty member.
Activity Details
Administrative Tasks
  • FERPA Tutorial and Quiz
  • Track-Specific Checklist
  • Pre- and Post-Surveys
  • Must attend 10 of 13 required
Didactic Instruction ‐ Pharmacy Audience
(large group)
  • 1 hour total
Didactic Instruction ‐ Non‐Pharmacy Audience
  • 30 minutes total
Facilitation, Recitation or Small Group
  • 2 Independent Sessions to small or large group audiences
  • 1 Journal Scan / Formulary Review
  • Evaluate 1 Session in Clinical Assessment Lab
  • Evaluate 3 Pharmacy Student Grand Rounds / Seminar Presentations and Debrief with Mentor
  • Grade 1 Assignment
Case Creation

Not Required

Clinical Precepting
  • Co-precept at least 2 Professional Pharmacy Students on 2 Independent APPEs or IPPEs
Pre‐Residency Track
  • P4 CV Review or Mock Interview
Teaching / Preceptor Philosophy
  • Yes
Attend College of Pharmacy Meeting

Not Required

Academic Learning / Rotation Experience
Not Required
Academic Research Experience (Elective)

Not Required

Faculty Mentor
  • Must have 3 Meetings with Faculty Mentor throughout the Year
Activity Details
Administrative Tasks
  • FERPA Tutorial and Quiz
  • Track-Specific Checklist
  • Pre- and Post-Surveys
  • Must attend 12 of 16 required
Didactic Instruction ‐ Pharmacy Audience
(large group)
  • 2 hours total
Didactic Instruction ‐ Non‐Pharmacy Audience
  • 30 minutes total
Facilitation, Recitation or Small Group
  • 1 Independent Sessions to small or large group audiences
  • 1 Journal Scan / Formulary Review
  • Evaluate 2 Sessions in Clinical Assessment Lab
  • Evaluate 5 Pharmacy Student Grand Rounds / Seminar Presentations and Debrief with Mentor
  • Grade 2 Assignments
Case Creation
  • 1 Case Creation
Clinical Precepting
  • Co-precept at least 2 Professional Pharmacy Students on 2 Independent APPEs or IPPEs
Pre‐Residency Track
  • Highly Recommended
Teaching / Preceptor Philosophy
  • Yes
Attend College of Pharmacy Meeting
  • Yes
Academic Learning / Rotation Experience
  • Highly Recommended
Academic Research Experience (Elective)
  • Highly Recommended
Faculty Mentor
  • Must have 3 Meetings with Faculty Mentor throughout the Year

Seminar Series Topics (2024-2025)

  • Introduction to Academia & Overview of USC COP Curriculum  
  • CTC Program Overview & Updates 
  • Blackboard Orientation for CTC Residents  
  • Teaching 101: Crafting Effective Lectures and Integrating Active Learning  
  • Teaching 102: Designing a Teaching Philosophy 
  • Assessment 101: Rubric-Based Evaluation and Feedback for Student Presentations 
  • Assessment 102: Evaluating Students on IPPE & APPE Rotations 
  • Assessment 103: Principles of Item Writing 
  • Precepting 101: A Primer for Precepting 
  • Precepting 102:  Advanced Precepting Skills: Case Studies in Precepting 
  • Financial Guidance and Real Estate Financials for the Medical Professional 
  • Applying and Interviewing for Academic and Non-Academic Positions  
  • Becoming a New Practitioner 
  • Course Coordination & Syllabus Development (Academician Track)  
  • Examining Tenure and Promotion (Academician Track) 
Q: Where do I find the documents for the Clinical Teaching Certificate Program?

A: Documents will be primarily housed through a USC COP Blackboard Organization (“Clinical Teaching Certificate 2021-2022”).  If you have not been added to the Blackboard page, please email the program directors to request addition.

Q: What if I cannot make one of the seminar sessions? Will we have access to the materials and recordings?

A: As a resident, it will be your responsibility to ensure you meet the requirements for seminar attendance (see CTC Checklist). Handouts will be posted on the Blackboard Organization page and a recording may be available. Unfortunately, seminar attendance can only be counted for residents who attend “live.”

Q: What if I don’t know what type of track I want to do?  Can I switch tracks?

A: That is perfectly fine and honestly expected. It is recommended that you choose the clinical academician track initially in order to begin scheduling completion of additional academic intensive tasks and seminars.  At any time, you should indicate to your mentor and the CTC program directors your intent to switch from one track to another. There are no penalties and nothing formal is required, other than an email making your request.  

Q: I can’t get in touch with my mentor, what do I do now?

A: If reasonable time has elapsed and you are unable to get in touch with your mentor, please contact the CTC program directors directly.

Q: If I’m not a resident, but would still like to complete the program. Is that an option?

A: We would love to work with you to complete the program as a new practitioner or someone potentially interested in more advanced precepting and/or teaching.  Please contact the CTC program directors directly so we may discuss the best path for enrollment.   

Q: What is expected of me as a resident designated as a co-preceptor?

A: While this list is not all inclusive, these are things the resident should be expected to do during their time as a co-preceptor:  

  1. Establish calendar or outline of duties for the student for the month.
  2. Provide feedback, both informally throughout the rotation and formally at midpoint and end of APPE (or other time points as needed/designated).
  3. Complete formal rubric and provide grade to student in consultation with preceptor of record

Further information will be found on the checklist and rubric/evaluation forms.  

Q: What is the best way for me to sign-up for teaching or evaluating in courses?

A: Your mentor will be your primary contact for helping to facilitate communication with designated faculty.  However, there is also a shared Google sheet (for teaching / small group opportunities) and a sign-up genius link (for grading / evaluation opportunities) within the Blackboard Organization. Keep in mind, these are living documents and are subject to change.  There may also be opportunities not listed, which can be discussed with your mentor.  

Q: What if I’m a resident at a distant site?

A: If you’re in the upstate, teaching and evaluating opportunities will be available at the USC COP Greenville campus. There may also be opportunities to evaluate from a distant site, however, this coordination should be worked out well in advance prior to the presentation or assignment date.  Additionally, many requirements may be done for non-pharmacy student audiences (or pharmacy students from other colleges) live at or near your home institution (pharmacy students on APPE, other health care professional education, etc.)

Q: Can I work with pharmacy students from other colleges/schools to complete requirements (e.g. precepting, small group discussion)?

A: The short answer is YES! This may involve precepting or small group evaluations/discussions at your institution, or perhaps other opportunities as well.  

For more information, please contact Brandon Bookstaver and/or Brie Dunn if you need anything related to the CTC program.  

Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.
