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Scholarship Donor Luncheon

This past Sunday we held our annual Scholarship Donor Luncheon bringing together our generous donors with their scholarship recipients, affording the students an opportunity to personally thank donors while getting to know one another.

Christina Grace Harding, a senior Vocal Performance major and the recipient of the Barbara Guignard Friends of the School of Music Scholarship, was our featured speaker while scholarship recipient Alexandra Castro performed a delightful piece on her bassoon by Alyssa Morris, entitled Mathematics

Alexandra Castro playing basson in front of donors
Scholarship recipient Alexandra Castro performing basson for the Scholarship Donor Luncheon. 

Two donors with scholarship reciepent

Scholarship recipient Katie Gatch with Donors Laury Chrisite and Rory Ackerman. 

Three scholarship donor

Assistant Dean for Advancement, Audra Vaz and her husband, Johann Vaz, with scholarship recipient Keri McCourt 

We are grateful for our donors and their generous support and investment in our students. They help us keep the music playing. 

Support the School of Music

Support the next generation of music educatiors, performers and leaders. Giving to the School of Music ensures we are able to accomplish our mission of transforming lives through excellence in music teaching, performance, creative activities, research and service and to continually strive to become a model public higher education music school in the U.S.  Give

If you are interested in creating a lasting legacy at the School of Music through an endowed scholarship fund, please contact Audra Vaz, Assistant Dean for Advancement, at 803-777-9732 .

Topics: School of Music, Support School of Music, Friends of School of Music

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