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School of Music

  • saxophone student

Private Lessons and Group Classes at Carolina Music Studios

We provide you with the highest quality teaching and learning experiences – our teachers are current USC students, graduates and professionals from the community. School of Music faculty members serve as mentors and supervisors and may participate through master classes and other activities.

Private Lessons

Private instruction in: Brass, Guitar, Percussion, Strings, Voice and Woodwinds.

Our private lesson program offers 12 or 6 lessons either in-person or virtual (pending availability of instructors).

Students may select 30-minute, 45-minute or 1-hour lessons. All in-person lessons are offered at the University of South Carolina School of Music building and lesson times are arranged on an individual basis.

Private lessons are a great way to prepare for Region and All-State Band competitions!

  • Junior Division - Middle School (6th-8th grade)
    Clinic Division - High School (9th-10th grade)
    Senior Division - High School (11-12th grade)

Students preparing for these auditions work on scales, musical terms, sight-reading, and a prepared étude specific to that year. Fall preparation is ideal as these auditions typically take place in January.

Register for Private Lessons Now!

Group Classes

Music is a powerful and fun communal activity! CMS offers a variety of group learning opportunities. To learn more about our classes including detailed information regarding curriculum and cost, see below.

12-week class available for middle and high school students with at least 1 year of playing experience, and younger students who can demonstrate an equivalent playing level. Participation in a school band program and/or private lesson instruction, is encouraged but not required.

  • Thursdays, 5:15-6:15 p.m.
  • Cost: $160

Register Here

Preparatory Music Theory is a 12-week course which covers note recognition on both treble and bass clefs, time signatures, key signatures, diatonic triads, cadences and rudimentary analytical techniques. No prior music theory training required! Participants must be currently enrolled in private music lessons. This course is designed for high school students and middle school students who have advanced in their musical studies.

  • Date/Time: TBD
  • Cost: $160 

Register here

Spring 2025

LESSON DATES: Begin as early as January 13 and end May 2
REGISTRATION DEADLINES: February 6 for 12-lesson packages and March 2 for 6-lesson packages

A signed waiver must be on file for each participant. A link to access the waiver will be sent via email upon receipt of registration. This waiver must be signed by the participant (or legal guardian if under 18) prior to the first lesson. You may receive the link in advance of registering by contacting

Twelve 30-minute lessons: $340/$325*
Twelve 45-minute lessons: $482/$467*
Twelve 60-minute lessons: $615/$600*
Six 30-minute lessons: $175/$160*
Six 45-minute lessons: $252/$237*
Six 60-minute lessons: $335/$320*

*family/senior citizen/military/USC faculty or staff discount  

A family discount is offered when more than one member of a family is enrolled in lessons or if a student is enrolled in more than one program of study through the CMS. USC faculty/staff, active military and senior discounts are also offered.

Tuition can be paid in two installments for the 12-lesson options and is available at registration.  Please email for more information.

Dates for those paying in two installments are:
1. Prior to the first lesson
2. October 21 or before the 7th lesson

Carolina Music Students parents and students receive weekly lesson/class reports detailing progress and recommendations from their teachers.

At the end of each semester (fall and spring) students have the opportunity to prepare for and perform at recitals as a celebration of their accomplishments during the year. Students perform at the discretion of their teacher. CMS will also offer repertoire and audition classes in the summer months.

Spring 2025 Recital - Friday, May 2, 2025

Tuition is due before lessons can begin.  Discounts are offered for families with more than one member enrolled in lessons and classes through CMS; senior citizens; active military; and USC faculty and staff. ($60 maximum discount per family for all CMS programs.)

A limited amount of financial aid is available. Awards are made as soon as possible after applications are submitted and until funds are depleted. Submit the financial aid form with your application for consideration.

For more information, email CMS or call 803-777-5381.

Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.