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Brad Edwards releasing book sequel, "Lip Slur Melodies"

Trombone professor, Brad Edwards, is releasing a sequel to his previous book, "Lip Slurs." The original book, published in 2006, was described as "the bible of lip slurs" by Joseph Alessi, principal trombonist of the New York Philharmonic.

For the uninitiated, trombonists face a unique challenge in that, unlike the other brass instruments, they cannot simply press down a valve to change notes. They must move the slide and articulate the notes. However, they have a secret trick up their sleeves – quite often in smooth music they can "jump tracks" on the overtone series and change notes without a glissando (a rapid sliding up or down the musical scale). These are known as natural slurs.

Edwards' latest book presents over 130 pages of melodies and duets, all of which rely on this "track jumping" trick. Of Edwards' new book, "Lip Slur Melodies," Charlie Vernon of the Chicago Symphony has written, "I love playing these because they are beautifully melodic and every note is coming from and going to a natural slur. I think you have really hit the essence of Arnold Jacobs’ teaching [considered by many to be the leading brass pedagogue of the 20th century]. This makes it easy: just blow air  and move your lips and slide with the rhythm. Thank you, Brad Edwards!!"

For more information, email Brad Edwards or call 803-777-1869.

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