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"Dystonia Duos" reviewed by The Wire

The recently released CD, "Dystonia Duos" with USC’s Greg Stuart, clinical assistant professor of music literature and contemporary music, and computer musician Joe Panzner, was reviewed in the June 2013 issue of The Wire, the premier UK publication for alternative, underground and non-mainstream music.

“ ‘Dystonia Duos’ by Joe Panzner and Greg Stuart …a deep, complicated record saturated in chunky, buzzing noise. Panzner plays laptop computer and Stuart percussion. The music is pristinely recorded and mixed, yet it’s rarely clear which sounds are produced by which player. There are beautiful moments where sounds you’d swear had to be electronic are revealed to be acoustic, emanating from the resonant body of a drum….”

"Dystonia Duos" can be ordered through Erstwhile Records.

The Wire is an independent, monthly music magazine covering a wide range of alternative, underground and non-mainstream musics. The Wire celebrates and interrogates the most visionary and inspiring, subversive and radical, marginalised and undervalued musicians on the planet, past and present, in the realms of avant rock, electronica, hiphop, new jazz, modern composition, traditional music and beyond.

Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.