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SC Institute for Archaeology and Anthropology

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Online Reporting

File Artifact Reports quickly and easily to the Institute using the Online Artifact Report Filing System. Fossil Reports must be emailed or mailed to the South Carolina State Museum using the addresses listed on the bottom of the Fossil Report form.

CLICK HERE to submit Artifact Reports online with the Online Artifact Report Filing System.  

Since the outset of the Hobby License, there have been a couple of basic reporting requirements for all program participants. Most importantly, you must send reports to the Institute (for artifacts) and State Museum (for fossils) once a quarter to let each agency know whether or not you collected any artifacts or fossils during the preceding quarter. These reports are due within ten days of the end of each quarter, throughout the dates of the term shown on your license card.  If you did collect, you may keep all legally collected finds in exchange for simply reporting to the appropriate agency what you found and where you find it within ten days of the end of the quarter in which you collected the material.  If you did not dive or collect anything from SC waters, you can now just check the two boxes at the top of your report in the Online Artifact Report System to let both agencies know you made no recoveries during the quarter.  

All Artifact Reports to the Institute and Fossil Reports to the Museum are due on a quarterly basis, on the following schedule:

Quarter Period Reports Due
1st Quarter Jan 1 - Mar 31 April 10th
2nd Quarter Apr 1 - Jun 30 July 10th
3rd Quarter Jul 1 - Sep 30 October 10th
4th Quarter  Oct 1 - Dec 31  January 10th

To file an Artifact or Fossil Report, log in to the system at the link above. Your username is your hobby license number.  If this is your first time logging in, please follow the instructions on the Online Filing System Welcome Page.

Separate reports must be filed for each dive location and each report should indicate the date on which the dive took place.  Should you have general questions about the information that is required in your reports, or would like some simple tips to help us approve your reports more quickly, please see our Hobby License FAQ page.  If you're unsure which category to place an artifact in, you may contact us or enter it in the "Other" category at the bottom of the report.  Once a report is reviewed and approved, title to the recovered artifacts are automatically transferred to the reporting licensee.  Your approved reports may be used as proof of title.  Hobby Licensees without internet access may mail completed Artifact Report forms to our mailing address found on the bottom of the Artifact Report form.   

 **Do not file fossil recoveries on the Artifact Report System**

All Fossil Reports will be submitted through the Online Reporting System.  Licensees without internet access may mail completed  Fossil Report form and to  Follow the instructions at the bottom of the form to fax or mail your Fossil Reports to the State Museum. Once a report is reviewed and approved, title to your fossils finds is automatically transferred to the reporting licensee. Please retain a copy of the report for your records.  If you have any questions about the Fossil Reports or status of your Fossil Report history, please call or email Dave Cicimurri at the Museum.

Artifact Reports in which no artifacts are recovered and Fossil Reports in which no fossils are recovered, i.e. a licensee selects ‘No Artifact Recoveries Made This Quarter’ and/or 'No Fossil Recoveries Made This Quarter', will be left as Pending. When a licensee applies for a renewal, these reports will be reviewed and approved.


If you have problems logging in, please contact us at

SC Institute for Archaeology and Anthropology

Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.
