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SC Institute for Archaeology and Anthropology

USC Geology

Beginning in 2002, the Maritime Research Division has collaborated and assisted the University of South Carolina Department of Geological Sciences in the study of coastal processes along the South Carolina coastline. In a joint venture, the MRD and USC Geology conducted a side-scan sonar of Winyah Bay aboard the NOAA research vessel, Ferrell. The MRD studied acousic anomalies potentially associated with submerged cultural material while Geology staff studied the sedimentation processes of the bay. The following year, the MRD, USC Geology, the Georgia Technical Institute, and the US Geological Survey worked together to deploy and recover nine submerged acoustic instruments off Myrtle Beach. Since that time, the MRD has assisted USC Geology in the maintenance and recovery of scientific instruments off both Myrtle and Folly Beach as well as venturing to Wrightville Beach, North Carolina aboard the University of Rhode Island research vessel the R/V Endeavor in 2007 to deploy and retrieve underwater scientific equipment. USC Geology staff have also participated in submerged cultural resource surveys by providing a sub-bottom profiler to locate several buried magnetic anomalies in Charleston Harbor and Port Royal Sound.

Related Information

2007. Amer, Christopher & Morin, Jeffery. "Collaboration Between USC's Department of Geological Sciences and Maritime Research Division." Legacy. Vol. 11, No. 3. December. South Carolina Institute of Archaeology and Anthropology. University of South Carolina. Columbia, South Carolina. pp. 6-9.

SC Institute for Archaeology and Anthropology

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