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SC Institute for Archaeology and Anthropology

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Review & Compliance

The MRD acts in an advisory role to the State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO).

Acting in an advisory role to the State Historic Preservation Office, the MRD reviews numerous public notices of applications for proposed development projects to various Federal, State, Local, and other agencies that have the potential to impact intertidal and submerged cultural resources along and in state waters. The majority of these proposals seek to construct private docks and piers, and shore stabilizing projects such as the placement of rip -rap and bulkheads. Major projects include beach renourishment, harbor navigation improvements, and marinas. The review process consists of consulting the State Archaeological Site Files and determining whether a proposed project may adversely impact known or potential intertidal or underwater archaeological sites. Projects likely to disturb both known or unknown archaeological sites, the MRD recommend a submerged cultural resource survey take place prior to construction. For the majority of proposed projects, however, a statement is attached to the permit requiring the applicant to contact the MRD and the SHPO if archaeological materials are encountered during construction. For more information about Review & Compliance issues regarding intertidal or submerged cultural resources please contact State Underwater Archaeologist James Spirek.

SC Institute for Archaeology and Anthropology

Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.
