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SC Institute for Archaeology and Anthropology

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Regional Surveys

The Maritime Research Division has conducted a number of surveys around the state that assess a variety of areas in a regional context. This allows for a number of sites to be identified and recorded over a large area.

Ayllon Capitana

In 2005, the MRD partnered with Coastal Carolina University to survey Winyah Bay for a 16th century Spanish ship thought to have wrecked off the coast of Georgetown, South Carolina.

Black River Project

For the first two weeks in August of 2013, the Maritime Research Division (MRD) and a number of volunteers conducted an archaeological survey of Black Mingo Creek and two potential ferryboats at Brown’s Ferry Landing in Georgetown and Williamsburg Counties.

Charleston Harbor

In 2008, the MRD was awarded an American Battlefield Protection Program grant administered by the National Park Service to study the naval and combined operations at the Charleston Harbor Naval Battlefield during the American Civil War.

Cooper River

In 1992, under the direction of South Carolina sport diver Jimmy Moss and the guidance from SCIAA's Sport Diver Archaeology Management Program, a group of volunteer sport divers conducted a preliminary historical and archaeological survey of a portion of the West Branch of the Cooper River.

Great Pee Dee River

In 1999, the MRD implemented the Great Pee Dee River survey to inventory submerged cultural resources from Mars Bluff to Cheraw.

Naval Wrecks

The South Carolina Naval Wreck Survey was a joint five-year study conducted by the MRD and the Naval Historical Center.  The project, completed in 2003, compiled historical and cultural data of US Navy vessels lost in South Carolina waters as well as remote sensing operations of prioritized sites and areas of naval activity, primarily from the Civil War.

Port Royal Sound

The Port Royal Sound Survey, begun in 1997, is an ongoing project to record submerged and inter-tidal cultural resources such as shipwrecks, abandoned vessels, landings, and other maritime sites. Two sub-components of the survey are the search for the Le Prince, a 16th century French wreck, and the Callawassie Island Survey.

SC Institute for Archaeology and Anthropology

Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.
