After moving to South Carolina, the following actions must be taken:
- Establish domicile *
- Register vehicle(s) within 45 days of establishing domicile *
- Obtain a SC driver’s license within 90 days of establishing domicile *
- Provide 51% or more of one’s own financial support towards all expenses (including tuition) for the previous 12 months
- Complete the Residency Certification Form on Self Service Carolina and provide proof of the above documents to the registrar’s office by the priority processing deadline.
- Pay and file SC income taxes
*Required to have maturity of 12 months and must fall before the first day of class for the semester requested.
Please refer to the South Carolina Commission on Higher Education Regulations for Additional Information
Access Residency Regulations [pdf]
- See Definitions:
- Independent Persons
- Resident
- Key Sections:
- Establishing Residency
- Establishing Requisite Intent to Become a South Carolina Domiciliary
- Maintaining Residency
- Application for Change of Resident Status
Important Things to Remember
Resident status may not be acquired by an applicant or student while residing in South Carolina for the primary purpose of enrollment in an institution or for access to state supported programs designed to serve South Carolina residents.
Indication of “intent to become a resident” may include:
- Statement of full-time employment
- Designating SC Residence on one’s military record
- Obtaining one’s SC driver’s license
- Registering all vehicles in SC
- Maintaining domicile in SC
- Paying and filing SC income taxes
- Owning a principle residence in SC
- Professional licensing (if applicable) in SC
The burden of proof rests with the student to provide the required evidence to document a change in resident status.
All residency decisions are made by the Office of the University Registrar.
Priority Processing Deadlines
Residency decisions may be rendered before the tuition deadline for the semester in which residency is sought if a Residency Certification Form and all supporting documents are submitted before the priority processing deadline listed below.
- Fall Semester - July 1
- Spring Semester - December 1
- Summer Semester - May 1
Residency Certification Form Deadlines
Residency Certification Forms and all supporting documents must be submitted no later than the first day of class for the semester in which Resident status and In-State tuition rates are being sought. Any forms and documents received after the first day of class for your session will not be processed until the following semester.