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Continuing Education Programs

Photography After Dark - Nighttime Photography

Course Description

This course introduces the most creative techniques and is an essential culmination of the two previous core photography courses (Introduction and Intermediate). This course teaches the photographer the ability to effectively and artistically photograph dimly lit scenes with and without supplementing additional light. You will learn to proficiently use the camera’s flash for practical results to outright funky creative interpretations.

Explore concepts and techniques including painting with light, long exposures, shake and bake, dragging the shutter, multiple flash triggers, multiple exposures, sweet light, golden light, etc. 

This will be an exciting class and a natural progression of photography skills for Carolina Classroom students who have taken the Introduction and Intermediate Photography classes. Digital photographers with a good understanding of ISO, aperture, and shutter speed will also benefit from this class. 

Important Information

  • This course is limited to 24 students.
  • Bring Point and Shoot and SLR cameras with manual and auto exposure modes only.
  • Necessary equipment also includes a tripod and an electronic cable release or remote to fire the camera. If you don’t have this equipment, please email after registering for the class and we will direct you to the best place to purchase what you need.
  • It is recommended to take both the Introduction to Digital Photography and Intermediate Digital Photography courses before enrolling in this course.

Course Fee - $95


Registration and Fees

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Registration and Payment Notes

If you plan to pay by check or purchase order, select "register by mail." Complete the form and return a printout with payment to: USC Continuing Education and Conferences, Close/Hipp Building at 1705 College Street, Suite 591, Columbia, SC 29208. Your seat is not guaranteed until payment is received.

We accept online payment via electronic check, VISA, MasterCard, Discover and American Express through MarketPlace, a secure electronic environment that simplifies business transactions with the university. Follow the MarketPlace prompts to complete payment. Your transaction is only complete when you receive an order number, which is your receipt of payment. Your seat is not guaranteed until payment is received and you receive an order number.

Once you have paid and are enrolled, you'll be emailed location and parking information for face-to-face programs or online instructions about one week before the program begins.


Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.