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Continuing Education Programs

American Sign Language for Beginners Part II

Course Description

In Part II, you will continue to study everyday communication in every lesson. Topics revolve around sharing information about our the world around us. Grammar is introduced in context, with an emphasis on developing question and answering skills.

The student workbook is rich in colorful pictures, signed vocabulary, expansion of classroom instruction, Deaf history and culture, and exercises led by Deaf models on two video DVDs that are included with your workbook.

Important Information

  • Pre-requisite:  You must complete American Sign Language for Beginners Part 1 before enrolling in this course.
  • In addition to the course fee, you are required to purchase:Zinza, J. (2006). Master ASL level one. Burtonsville, MD: Sign Media - Available at The Level One package is what is required for the course(s). Cost is $119 for all three items.
  • This package includes:
    • Hardback Textbook: Master ASL Level One
    • Paperback Resource Book: Master ASL, Fingerspelling
    • DVD: this companion DVD is used with the units in the textbook
    • ISBN-10: 1-881133-20-6  (textbook)
    • ISBN-13: 978-1-881133-20-9

Course Fee - $120


Meet Your Instructor

Lana L. Cromeenes

Lana L. Cromeenes

Lana L. Cromeenes' experience and exposure to deaf and hard of hearing individuals and culture began 45 years ago with her grandmother who worked at the School for the Deaf in Morganton, N.C. Throughout college, she was a member at a local church with a deaf congregation and enjoyed working with the ministry leaders, attending Deaf Camp, leading worship, and socialization. Upon graduation with her master’s in education, her daughter was born, and it was quickly determined that she was hard of hearing. Her daughter was speech and language delayed, and due to her personal capabilities, Lana began teaching her ASL, as she was fluent in the language at this point. Accepting her daughter’s condition, she delved deeper into deaf culture, became a student of the language and culture.  As an elementary classroom teacher, Lana's bi-lingual status (English and ASL), afforded her the opportunity to provide sign support to students that wore hearing aids, cochlear implants, and/or displayed autistic characteristics. As the years progressed Lana's involvement with the deaf and hard of hearing continued to develop. Currently, Lana interprets and teaches a beginner’s ASL class at her church and voice interprets as needed. Lana interprets for community events, such as the SC governor’s annual Carol lighting event and for the sitting SC governor as well. Lana  returned to graduate school at Gallaudet University, a university established for deaf and hard of hearing individuals, in Washington, D.C., and graduated with a Master Level Certification and is currently working on a PhD in Educational Leadership with a specialization in Educating Deaf with Disabilities with an anticipated graduation of December 2019.


Registration and Fees

Dates / Sessions Times Fees
ASL for Beginners, Part II - Classroom
05/05/2025 - 06/16/2025

6 Sessions

Register Online

Notes: course orientation information will be emailed approximately one week before the course starts.
6:30 PM – 8:30 PM $120.00


Registration and Payment Notes

If you plan to pay by check or purchase order, select "register by mail." Complete the form and return a printout with payment to: USC Continuing Education and Conferences, Close/Hipp Building at 1705 College Street, Suite 591, Columbia, SC 29208. Your seat is not guaranteed until payment is received.

We accept online payment via electronic check, VISA, MasterCard, Discover and American Express through MarketPlace, a secure electronic environment that simplifies business transactions with the university. Follow the MarketPlace prompts to complete payment. Your transaction is only complete when you receive an order number, which is your receipt of payment. Your seat is not guaranteed until payment is received and you receive an order number.

Once you have paid and are enrolled, you'll be emailed location and parking information for face-to-face programs or online instructions about one week before the program begins.

Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.
