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Continuing Education Programs

  • University of South Carolina Professional Education and Certificate Programs

Professional Education & Certificate Programs

Continue your education, change your career and improve your life! It all starts here. Designed to immediately impact you and make you more marketable in today's economy, our courses and certificate programs are taught by practicing professionals, selected for their industry expertise and exceptional teaching abilities. You can take programs during the day, in the evenings, weekends and online.

CSCP professional

Certified Supply Chain Professional Certificate Program

Begin preparing for your CSCP certification today! With the CSCP certification you will know the latest best practices to elevate your job performance and help you take advantage of common technologies. The knowledge you gain through your studying will help you drive improvement in your organization, maximize the efficiency of planning and operations and improve the bottom line.

Government Finance Officers Student

Government Finance Officers Certificate Training

This specialized training is a part of the certification program for the Government Finance Officers Association of South Carolina (GFOASC). Discover how you can complete all of the program requirements and earn the designation as a Certified Government Finance Officer (CGFO). 

Grant Writing Student

Grant Writing Certificate Program

The ability to locate, apply for and attain grants is essential for many organizations. Learn the practical and conceptual aspects that are critical to the grant proposal-writing process to secure foundation, state and federal grant funds.


Leadership Simplified Bootcamp

Participants will enhance leadership skills, expand communication techniques, master laser-focus positive actions, manage time more effectively, and spike personal effectiveness to deliver world-class results.

Lean Six Sigma Certificate Student

Lean Six Sigma Certificate Program

USC's Lean Six Sigma Green and Black Belt Certificates are now offered 100% online with instructor-led training sessions conveniently scheduled for the busy professional. Become an instant asset to your organization with USC Six Sigma Certification.

Paralegal Studies Certificate Program Student

Paralegal Certificate Program

Now you can earn your Paralegal Certificate from USC - in the classroom or online! This program allows you to quickly complete your studies and enter the rewarding legal field with the confidence and credentials to succeed. Learn more about our six-month program.

Project Management Training Student

Project Management Fundamentals course and Certificate Program

Whether you are a full time project manager or oversee occasional projects for your organization, USC's fundamentals course and full certificate program can help you become a better project manager or prepare you to sit for the PMP® certification exam.

SHRM student studying

Society for Human Resource Management Essentials course and Certificate Program

Increase your chances of passing your exam by attending one of our upcoming trainings. An expert, SHRM-certified instructor will be on hand to answer your questions and guide you through interactive discussions.


Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.