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KPIC partners with NABP for Sterile Compounding Training


The Kennedy Pharmacy Innovation Center at the USC College of Pharmacy is expanding its sterile compounding program in partnership with the National Association of Boards of Pharmacy to offer training for state inspectors. 

In early 2023, KPIC was approached about developing a sterile compounding course for inspectors in North and South Carolina. Following that training, NABP requested a training program be developed for all BOP inspectors, and in May, NABP’s Executive Committee approved the USC KPIC Sterile Compounding Inspector Training. 

The endorsement by the National Association of Boards of Pharmacy is a testament to the quality of work done by KPIC.

Stephen J. Cutler, Ph.D.  Dean, College of Pharmacy

Bill Cover, associate executive director of the NABP shared that “NABP understands the level of importance our member boards place on the training of their inspectors to the current sterile compounding practice standards. Our continued support of this training led to the recent development of standards by which sterile compounding inspector training programs could be evaluated by NABP staff and subsequently approve those programs that meet the standards.” 

The first BOP Inspector training program was held in September with 20 inspectors from 13 states taking part. The next course is scheduled for December. KPIC also provides basic and management level training courses.

Stephen J. Cutler, dean of the College of Pharmacy notes, “The endorsement by the National Association of Boards of Pharmacy is a testament to the quality of work done by KPIC.”

Topics: Kennedy Pharmacy Innovation Center, Sterile Compounding Training, Continuing Education

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