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College of Pharmacy

  • Graduates reciting the Oath of the Pharmacist

College of Pharmacy celebrates graduating Class of 2023

What an exciting year it has been for the College of Pharmacy. 

We have celebrated many wonderful accomplishments by our students, faculty and staff during May, including the awarding of 106 Doctor of Pharmacy degrees, a Doctor of Pharmaceutical Sciences degree, and 73 Bachelor of Science Pharmacy degrees.

This year’s Convocation and Doctoral Hooding ceremony included the presentation of three Outstanding Alumni Awards and administration of the U.S. Air Force Oath of Office to graduate Stephanie Frierson Rios, who will begin work with the 96th Medical Group at Eglin Air Force Base in Florida.

For two graduates, Alex Loftis and Patricia Stansberry, graduation week contained another exciting event. The two were married in a small ceremony on Thursday, May 4, between Wednesday's Doctoral Hooding and Commencement on Friday.

A few of our graduates from the Class of 2023 shared stories about their time with the College of Pharmacy, life lessons learned and how those prepared them for what lies ahead.

Topics: Academic Programs, Student Experience

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